France’s ban on full-face veils violates freedom of expression, group says
ARTICLE 19 has submitted a document to the European Court of Human Rights stating that general prohibitions on the full-face veil are not in line with international standards on the right to freedom of expression or freedom of religion.

Court rules in favour of French reporter accused of staging footage
On 26 June 2013, the Paris Court of Appeals ruled that Phillippe Karsenty, founder of the Media Rating website, was guilty of defamation for accusing Charles Enderlin, Jerusalem correspondent for French public broadcaster France 2, of staging TV footage about the killing of Mohammed Al Dura, a Palestinian boy who was reportedly shot dead by Israeli forces in Gaza on 30 September 2000.

Haitian editor-in-chief killed in drive-by shooting
Police indicated that Georges Henry Honorat was slain in a drive-by shooting at his house in the Delmas district in Port-au-Prince. Reports say that two masked hit men opened fire on the journalist while passing his house on a motorbike.

Haitian editor-in-chief killed in drive-by shooting
Police indicated that Georges Henry Honorat was slain in a drive-by shooting at his house in the Delmas district in Port-au-Prince. Reports say that two masked hit men opened fire on the journalist while passing his house on a motorbike.

Military zones in Mali ‘off-limits’ for journalists
The French and Malian authorities are preventing journalists from getting within 100 km of areas where military operations are under way. It is particularly difficult to find out what is happening in the embattled city of Gao, where phone networks have been down since the start of the week, preventing any contact with local residents, journalists or anyone else.

Judicial enquiry launched in Paris over jamming of Eritrean radio station
Reporters Without Borders has filed a complaint regarding acts of piracy against Radio Erena, an Eritrean exile radio station based in Paris.

FRANCE – Affiche du Nouvel Observateur censurée à Marseille : la justice doit réagir
*REPORTERS SANS FRONTIÈRES Communiqué de presse 12.06.2012* *Lire en ligne*: http://fr.rsf.org/france-affiche-du-nouvel-observateur-12-06-2012,42759.html *English version to be released soon * *FRANCE – Affiche du Nouvel Observateur censurée à Marseille : la justice doit réagir* La justice doit se prononcer aujourd’hui sur la légalité de l’arrêté municipal pris à Marseille le 7 juin 2012, et qui ordonnait le […]

Russia: Putin’s Visit to Germany, France Needs Rights Focus
For Immediate Release Russia: Putin’s Visit to Germany, France Needs Rights Focus (Berlin, May 31, 2012) – The leaders of France and Germany should urge President Vladimir Putin of Russia to mark the beginning of his third presidential term by making human rights a priority, both at home and abroad, Human Rights Watch said today. […]

Europe.list France: La liberté de l’information mise en cause // EFJ Slams French President-candidate over Attack on Freedom of information
(English online: EFJ Slams French President-candidate over Attack on Freedom of information[1]) EFJ Media Release / Communiqué FEH LA LIBERTÉ DE L’INFORMATION MISE EN CAUSE EN FRANCE PAR LE PRÉSIDENT-CANDIDAT La Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ) fait part de sa vive inquiétude à la suite de nombreuses attaques lancées par Nicolas Sarkozy, candidat à l’élection […]

Presidential candidates ignore serious breaches of freedom of information
Litigation and prosecution of journalists have been an everyday occurrence in the past few years. “As soon as a journalist or a blogger touches on a sensitive subject, he or she must be prepared to tangle with the law,” says RSF.

Threat from use of Internet surveillance to combat terrorism
RSF is concerned by a proposal by President Nicolas Sarkozy that would punish “any person who habitually consults websites that advocate terrorism or call for hatred and violence”.

Genocide-denial law declared unconstitutional
ARTICLE 19 says the law’s severe criminal sanctions would have interfered disproportionately with an individual’s right to engage in historical debate.

Turkish newspaper’s Europe offices attacked
“Zaman” is blaming Kurdish militants for violence in Paris and Cologne, including an arson attack on its offices in the latter city. The newspaper also accused PKK supporters of carrying out prior attacks on its offices in London, Vienna and Zurich.

Documentary filmmaking threatened by court ruling
A court in the northern city of Lille has ordered documentary filmmaker Sophie Robert to remove interviews with three psychoanalysts from her film about the treatment of autism and to pay them a large sum in damages for “misrepresenting” their views.

RSF releases press freedom index for 2011/2012
The Arab world was the motor of history in 2011 but the Arab uprisings have had contrasting political outcomes so far, with Tunisia and Bahrain at opposite ends of the scale.

Senate must reject Armenian Genocide law, says ARTICLE 19
The adoption of a law criminalising any denial of the 1915 Armenian genocide would be in conflict with France’s obligation to respect the right to freedom of expression under international law.