Indonesian weekly reopens
(ISAI/IFEX) – Further to the reopening of “Tempo” magazine, banned since 1994, ISAI has forwarded the following Agence-France Press news release: **For background, see IFEX alerts of 14 June 1996, 27 and 21 June and 5 May 1994** JAKARTA, Indonesia (October 4, 1998 08:14 a.m. EDT) – Staff at Tempo, Indonesia’s leading weekly news magazine […]

Reporter summoned by police
(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 30 September 1998 letter to the Indonesian President, CPJ expressed alarm over a police summons issued that day [30 September local date and time] to reporter Rudy Goenawan of the magazine “Jakarta Jakarta” in connection with an article he wrote concerning the May rioting in Indonesia. Goenawan has been summoned to […]

IFJ calls for further investigation into 1975 killings of journalists in East Timor
(IFJ/IFEX) – In a 30 September 1998 letter to the Indonesian President, IFJ expressed concern at recent reports concerning the deaths of journalists in East Timor in 1975 According to the IFJ, five Australian-based media workers were killed in Balibo, East Timor on 16 October 1975. Recent reports have again raised the claim that these […]

Indonesian reforms urged to ensure that Soeharto-era abuses not repeated
(HRW/IFEX) – In a major new report released on 04 September 1998, Human Rights Watch warns that if the current political opening in Indonesia is not followed by legal and institutional protections for basic rights, the entire reform effort could unravel. HRW has warned that if the current political opening in Indonesia is not followed […]

Reaction to news of subsidies on newsprint; call for licensing of journalists
(ISAI/IFEX) – According to ISAI, a coalition of six free speech organisations, which include the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), ISAI and the Dr. Sutomo Press Institute, have issued a statement on media reform. It includes several points, such as licensing, foreign ownership, etc.. The coalition, called the Media Reform Committee, opposed newsprint subsidies to […]

WPFC letter on licensing of journalists
(WPFC/IFEX) – The following is the full text of a letter sent by WPFC to the “Jakarta Post” in response to an article in that newspaper reporting proposals for licensing journalists in Indonesia: 22 July 1998 Editor Jakarta Post Jakarta, Indonesia To the Editor: The government of President B. J. Habibie, according to news reports, […]

Harrassment of press freedom by owner of publication
(ISAI/IFEX) – According to the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), Bob Hassan, owner of the weekly tabloid “ParOn”, closed the newspaper on 9 June 1998, without any prior discussion with the journalists and workers. The official reason for the closure is that the weekly was not selling well. Yet the closure took place after “ParOn” […]

HRW urges Indonesian government to dismantle barriers to academic freedom
(HRW/IFEX) – The following is the full text of a statement made available by HRW on 1 June 1998: (New York, May 28) — In an open letter today to new Indonesian Education Minister Juwono Sudarsono, the Human Rights Watch Academic Freedom Committee urges the government to dismantle immediately the mechanisms of control over academic […]

RSF says the release of imprisoned journalists is only first step towards press freedom
(RSF/IFEX) – The following statement was released by RSF on 29 May 1998: Two Indonesian journalists were released from jail on 28 May 1998, on the orders of the justice ministry. Andy Syahputra, who runs the printing works that handles the banned magazine of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (Suara Independen – AJI), was arrested […]

Reforms needed after Soeharto’s resignation
(HRW/IFEX) – Human Rights Watch (HRW) has stated that though the resignation of Indonesia’s long-serving President Soeharto is an important first step toward reform, it is still unclear whether his successor, President Habibie, has the will or the ability to do away with Indonesia’s authoritarian political system. According to Sidney Jones, Asia director of HRW, […]

RSF calls for greater press freedom
(RSF/IFEX) – On 23 May 1998, the new Indonesian information minister, Lieutenant-Colonel Yunus Yosfiah, declared that “there will be no problem [regarding press] freedom for the Indonesian media if they prove to be responsible and respect the ethical standards of their profession.” Reporters sans frontieres (RSF) would like to take this opportunity to point out […]

CPJ complains about new Minister of Information appointment
(CPJ/IFEX) – The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has expressed concern over the fact that Yunus Yosfiah, the newly appointed Minister of Information, has been implicated in one of the most brutal attacks ever on journalists: the October 1975 murder of five reporters during the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. In October 1975 Yosfiah was […]

Recent violence against the media
(CPJ/IFEX) – According to information released by the Alliance of Independent Journalists (Aliansi Jurnalis Independen or AJI) on 16 May 1998, there have been a recent series of violent and indiscriminate attacks by security forces against Indonesian journalists. The frequency of such attacks has increased over the past month as the level of student and […]

Journalists attacked while covering riots
(RSF/IFEX) – According to information released by RSF on 18 May 1998, at least nine Indonesian journalists were attacked by the police or army while covering riots in Indonesia over the last week. Sayuti, of Media Indonesia, was shot by police at the 14 May riot in Jakarta. He was badly injured after being struck […]

CPJ message to press colleagues in Indonesia
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following statement was released by CPJ on 15 May 1998: To: Press Colleagues in Indonesia From: A. Lin Neumann, CPJ Asia Program Coordinator Dear Friends, During this time of turmoil and danger for those covering the crisis in Indonesia, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) remains concerned that attacks on the press […]

NANBA and WPFC call on Indonesian government to relax visa regulations
(WPFC/IFEX) – The North American National Broadcasters Association (NANBA), with the support of the World Press Freedom Committee (WPFC), has joined with the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) in strongly urging the Indonesian government to relax visa regulations which restrict the freedom of foreign journalists in that country. The declaration comes in the wake of […]