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327 articles
Link to: Government releases jailed editor into U.S. custody

Government releases jailed editor into U.S. custody

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 9 December 2002 CPJ press release: LIBERIA: Government releases jailed editor into U.S. custody New York, December 9, 2002-Liberian authorities released journalist Hassan Bility, whom authorities had held incommunicado since June 24 as a “prisoner of war.” According to news reports, Bility, editor of the independent weekly The Analyst, […]

Link to: President agrees to release journalist Hassan Bility

President agrees to release journalist Hassan Bility

(RSF/IFEX) – On 29 October 2002, RSF welcomed Liberian President Charles Taylor’s decision to free Hassan Bility, editor of the privately-owned weekly “The Analyst”, who has been held in a secret location for the past four months. However, the organisation also noted its concern over the conditions outlined for his release. On 28 October, President […]

Link to: Military calls jailed editor “prisoner of war”

Military calls jailed editor “prisoner of war”

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 24 October 2002 CPJ press release: LIBERIA: Military calls jailed editor “prisoner of war” New York, October 24, 2002-The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) deplores the recent recommendation by a five-member military tribunal that editor Hassan Bility, who has been detained since June 24, be treated as a “prisoner […]

Link to: Journalist Hassan Bility still incommunicado

Journalist Hassan Bility still incommunicado

(WiPC/IFEX) – The WiPC of International PEN welcomes the news of Maria Nyenetue’s reappearance in early September 2002. Nyenetue was reported missing on 20 August, when she travelled to the town of Klay in the hope of visiting Hassan Bility, the father of her child. It now transpires that she was arrested because of her […]

Link to: RSF demands information on missing journalist Hassan Bility

RSF demands information on missing journalist Hassan Bility

(RSF/IFEX) – On 4 September 2002, RSF expressed its serious concern about the fate of Hassan Bility, editor-in-chief of the privately-owned weekly newspaper “The Analyst”, who is accused by the Liberian government of plotting with rebel forces of the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) to kill President Charles Taylor. The organisation strongly criticised […]

Link to: IPI condemns government’s continuing refusal to release editor

IPI condemns government’s continuing refusal to release editor

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is an IPI letter to President Charles Taylor: H.E. Charles Taylor President of the Republic of Liberia Office of the President Executive Mansion, POB 10-9001 Capitol Hill 1000 Monrovia Liberia Vienna, 7 August 2002 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, leading journalists and media executives, […]

Link to: Authorities refuse to produce journalist

Authorities refuse to produce journalist

(RSF/IFEX) – On 1 August 2002, RSF condemned the Liberian government’s refusal to comply with an order from the country’s highest military court to produce “the living bodies” of journalist Hassan Bility and two other men. Security officials arrested the three individuals on 24 June. The Defence Ministry has rejected the military court’s order, issued […]

Link to: IPI concerned over latest arrests of journalists critical of the government

IPI concerned over latest arrests of journalists critical of the government

(IPI/IFEX) – In a 17 July 2002 letter to President Charles Taylor, IPI expressed its deep concern over the latest arrests of journalists critical of the Liberian government. According to information provided to IPI, on 4 July security forces arrested and detained senior reporter Bobby Tapson and judicial reporter Sherrif Adams, who are employed by […]

Link to: Detained journalist may be at risk of torture and ill-treatment, says Human Rights Watch

Detained journalist may be at risk of torture and ill-treatment, says Human Rights Watch

(HRW/IFEX) – The following is a Human Rights Watch press release: Leading Liberian Journalist Re-Arrested Facing Possible “Terrorism” Charges (New York, July 4, 2002) — A prominent Liberian newspaper editor and three other Liberians have been detained without charge for more than a week, Human Rights Watch said today. The four are being held in […]

Link to: Journalist accused of plotting against president disappears: RSF presses United Nations to act

Journalist accused of plotting against president disappears: RSF presses United Nations to act

(RSF/IFEX) – Hassan Bility, editor-in-chief of the privately-owned weekly newspaper “The Analyst”, who is accused of plotting with anti-government rebels to kill President Charles Taylor, has been missing since 1 July 2002. Bility was arrested on 24 June along with two other persons. RSF is very concerned about the journalist’s situation. The organisation has asked […]

Link to: Journalist accused of plotting against the president

Journalist accused of plotting against the president

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has expressed serious concern after the arrest of Hassan Bility, editor-in-chief of the private weekly “The Analyst”. “The newspaper is well known for its highly critical attitude towards President Charles Taylor, and we hope that the accusation of ‘plotting against the President’ is not a pretext for silencing a journalist who is […]

Link to: Journalist arrested; IPI calls for lifting of restrictions on reporting under state of emergency

Journalist arrested; IPI calls for lifting of restrictions on reporting under state of emergency

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is an IPI letter to President Charles Taylor: H.E. Charles Taylor President of the Republic of Liberia Executive Mansion POB 10-90010 Capitol Hill 1000 Monrovia 10 Liberia Vienna, 17 May 2002 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, leading journalists and media executives, is deeply disturbed […]

Link to: Government ban on newspaper said to be permanent

Government ban on newspaper said to be permanent

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ letter to Liberian President Charles G. Taylor: May 6, 2002 His Excellency Charles G. Taylor President of the Republic of Liberia Monrovia, Liberia Via Facsimile: 231-225-217 Your Excellency, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply concerned by the recent closure of The Analyst, an independent newspaper based […]

Link to: Independent newspaper closed

Independent newspaper closed

(RSF/IFEX) – On 29 April 2002, RSF strongly condemned the Liberian government’s closure of the independent newspaper “The Analyst” and called for the arbitrary ban to be lifted at once. “This is the second time the paper has been interfered with under the pretext of national security since the state of emergency began last 8 […]

Link to: Journalists harassed under state of emergency

Journalists harassed under state of emergency

(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 21 February 2002 letter to Liberian President Charles G. Taylor, CPJ expressed deep concern over the recent arrest of three journalists and the suspension of their newspaper, which had recently criticized the current state of emergency in Liberia. On 12 February, police in Monrovia arrested Stanley Seakor, the publisher and managing […]

Link to: Newspaper shut down, four journalists arrested

Newspaper shut down, four journalists arrested

(RSF/IFEX) – The following is an RSF press release: A newspaper closed down and four journalists arrested following the state of emergency declaration In a letter addressed to the Minister for Information, Reginald Goodridge, Reporters Sans Frontières (Reporters Without Borders – RSF) protested against the arrest of several journalists and the closure of the private […]