British cameraman killed by mortar fire; Agence France-Presse car targeted
(RSF/IFEX) – In letters to Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Representative on Freedom of the Media Freimut Duve and United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Former Yugoslavia Jiri Diensbier, RSF denounced the growing violence against journalists in northern Macedonia, after an Associated Press Television News (APTN) journalist was killed on […]

IFJ calls for safety guarantees for journalists
(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a 20 March 2001 IFJ media release: Macedonia Journalists Under Siege: IFJ Calls for Safety Guarantees and Issues Reporting Alert The International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ organisation, today condemned the shelling of independent media in the western part of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia around Tetova […]

RSF concerned by attacks on journalists and television relay stations in the Tetovo region
(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Jiri Dienstbier, the United Nations (UN) special rapporteur on human rights in the former Yugoslavia, RSF expressed its concern about acts of violence perpetrated by Albanian extremists against journalists and the destruction of television relay stations in the Tetovo region. “The recent tension in the north-west of Macedonia makes […]

ARTICLE 19 statement on draft Law on Public Information
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 memorandum on the draft Macedonian Law on Public Information of 12 May 2000: Memorandum by ARTICLE 19, Global Campaign for Free Expression on the Draft Macedonian Law on Public Information of 12 May 2000 London, July 2000 Introduction In May 2000, the Macedonian authorities produced a […]

Kosovo newspaper resurrected in Macedonia
(HRW/IFEX) – The Albanian-language newspaper “Koha Ditore” resumed publication from Macedonia on 22 April 1999. **Updates IFEX alerts of 26 March, 25 March, 23 March, and 22 March 1999** Before its March closure by Serb police, “Koha Ditore” was the largest and most influential Albanian-language newspaper in Kosovo. On 22 March, the newspaper and its […]

Journalist demoted as punishment for controversial commentary
(GHM/IFEX) – Greek Helsinki Monitor is protesting the punitive demotion of reporter Gorica Popova from her editorial position to the position of “junior associate” by the new general director of state-owned Macedonian Radio and Television, Ljupcho Jakimovski, despite the disagreement of her immediate superior, Gjorgji Varoshlija, director and editor-in-chief of Macedonian radio. The demotion was […]

Greek journalist harassed in court
(GHM/IFEX) – GHM is expressing its profound concern for the harassment of Greek journalist Thodoros Varikos in a trial held in Resen on 17 November 1998. During that trial against Macedonian citizen Nikolas Konstantinidis, the presiding judge Biljana Jonovska had the journalist detained during part of the proceedings because he was taking notes. Varikos, who […]

Three Bulgarian journalists prohibited from entering Macedonia
(RSF/IFEX) – According to information made available by RSF on 2 November 1998, on 30 October 1998, journalists Toni Maskrachka and Krassimir Ouzounov of the Bulgarian daily “24 Tchassa” (24 Hours), were detained for several hours at the Macedonian border and had their luggage searched. Macedonian customs officials seized copies of Bulgarian-language books and newspapers […]

Concerns over allocation of broadcasting licences to private electronic media
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – ARTICLE 19 has expressed concern about certain aspects of the recent process of allocating broadcasting licences to private electronic media in the Republic of Macedonia. Among the concerns is an apparent lack of independent decision-making. The Macedonian Law on Broadcasting Activity [Law No 08-1490/1 of 24 April 1997] guarantees the independence of […]

Series of closures of private radio and television stations
The IFJ/FIEJ Coordinating Centre on 7 June 1995 reported that the Ministry of Transportation and Communication had begun closing down some private radio and television stations as of 17 May 1995. According to the IFJ/FIEJ Coordinating Centre, 45 radio and television stations have already been closed, because they did not obtain a licence to broadcast. […]