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Middle East & North Africa

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Link to: CPJ outraged by shooting death of Palestinian cameraman

CPJ outraged by shooting death of Palestinian cameraman

(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 22 April 2003 letter to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, CPJ expressed its outrage over the death of Nazih Darwazeh, a Palestinian cameraman working with The Associated Press Television News (APTN), who was shot and killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Nablus on Saturday 19 April. Darwazeh […]

Link to: Journalist and website editor arrested

Journalist and website editor arrested

(RSF/IFEX) – On 21 April 2003, RSF deplored the arrest of Sina Motallebi, editor of the news website www.rooznegar.com and formerly a staff member of the banned reformist daily “Hayat-é-No”. The organisation called for his immediate release. “This is the second journalist to be arrested this year for running a website,” noted Robert Ménard, the […]

Link to: Cameraman killed in West Bank clash

Cameraman killed in West Bank clash

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a 21 April 2003 IFJ media release: IFJ Condemns Killing of Cameraman: “Impossible to Ignore Evidence of Israeli Targeting of Journalists” The shooting by soldiers of a journalist filming protests on the West Bank at the weekend provides fresh evidence that the lives of Palestinian media staff are “recklessly being […]

Link to: CPJ condemns harassment and physical attacks on journalists

CPJ condemns harassment and physical attacks on journalists

(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 17 April 2003 letter to King Muhammad VI, CPJ protested the recent harassment and physical attacks on independent journalists in Morocco. Ali Lmrabet, director of two independent Casablanca-based weeklies, the French-language “Demain” and its Arabic sister publication “Douman”, has been subjected to an organized campaign of legal harassment by government authorities. […]

Link to: EOHR appeals for release of anti-Iraq war activists

EOHR appeals for release of anti-Iraq war activists

(EOHR/IFEX) – The following is an EOHR press release: Cairo: April 16, 2003 EOHR Issues An Urgent Appeal: Release Anti-Iraqi War Activists Now EOHR regrets the ongoing attitude of security forces toward the right to peaceful assembly and the people who choose to exercise this right. Demonstrators continue to get arrested as they protest the […]

Link to: WPFC urges respect for media independence in Iraq

WPFC urges respect for media independence in Iraq

(WPFC/IFEX) – The following is a WPFC press release: World Press Freedom Committee Urges Respect for Media Independence in Iraq The World Press Freedom Committee today cautioned the rebuilders of Iraq to show their commitment to democracy by ensuring that free and independent news media are fostered as rapidly as possible. “A prerequisite for putting […]

Link to: Magazine publisher victim of legal harassment

Magazine publisher victim of legal harassment

(RSF/IFEX) – On 16 April 2003, RSF said it would send a fact-finding mission to Morocco during the week of 21 April to investigate growing media repression in the country. Ali Lmrabet, publisher of the weeklies “Demain Magazine” and “Douman” and the organisation’s correspondent in Morocco, has been the target of repeated legal harassment since […]

Link to: Journalist killed in car accident; security situation for media remains precarious

Journalist killed in car accident; security situation for media remains precarious

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 14 April 2003 CPJ press release: JOURNALIST KILLED IN CAR ACCIDENT IN IRAQ Security situation for media remains precarious New York, April 14, 2003-The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) mourns the death of Mario Podestá, a veteran free-lance Argentine war correspondent on assignment for the Argentine television station America […]

Link to: Camerawoman dies from injuries sustained in car accident

Camerawoman dies from injuries sustained in car accident

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ press release: CAMERAWOMAN DIES FROM INJURIES SUSTAINED IN CAR ACCIDENT Cabrera is the first female journalist to die in Iraq New York, April 15, 2003-The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) mourns the death of Argentine camerawoman Veronica Cabrera. She is the first female journalist to die while covering […]

Link to: CNN crew’s bodyguard returns fire with automatic weapon as vehicles attacked

CNN crew’s bodyguard returns fire with automatic weapon as vehicles attacked

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has voiced its concern following an incident in which a CNN crew’s security escort returned fire with an automatic weapon when the crew, travelling in several vehicles, came under fire on 13 April 2003 at the entrance to the northern Iraqi town of Tikrit. The use of firearms is a practice contrary […]

Link to: WiPC concerned by continued detention of poet and writer Marwan Osman

WiPC concerned by continued detention of poet and writer Marwan Osman

(WiPC/IFEX) – WiPC of International PEN is concerned at the continued detention of poet and writer Marwan Osman, a member of the Kurdish PEN Centre. International PEN continues to believe that Osman has been targeted by the Syrian authorities solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression and association as guaranteed by Article […]

Link to: IFJ calls for military withdrawal as journalists trapped in Baghdad siege

IFJ calls for military withdrawal as journalists trapped in Baghdad siege

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ media release: IFJ Calls for Military to Withdraw Over Arab Journalists Trapped in Baghdad Siege The International Federation of Journalists today called on the Iraqi and American forces to pull back from a confrontation in Baghdad where 27 journalists working in the Baghdad bureau of Abu Dhabi TV […]

Link to: RSF outraged over bombing of Al-Jazeera office in Baghdad

RSF outraged over bombing of Al-Jazeera office in Baghdad

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has expressed outrage at the United States (U.S.) bombing of the Baghdad office of the pan-Arab television station Al-Jazeera on 8 April 2003. One Al-Jazeera journalist, cameraman Tarek Ayoub, died in the attack and another was wounded. The nearby premises of Abu Dhabi television were also damaged. “We strongly condemn this attack […]

Link to: CPJ mourns loss of two journalists killed in Iraq, two other correspondents are missing

CPJ mourns loss of two journalists killed in Iraq, two other correspondents are missing

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 7 April 2003 CPJ press release: CPJ MOURNS LOSS OF TWO JOURNALISTS KILLED IN IRAQ Two other correspondents are missing New York, April 7, 2003 – Two journalists embedded with U.S. forces in Iraq were killed this afternoon, bringing to six the total number of journalists killed in action […]

Link to: CPJ sends letter to General Tommy Franks about mistreatment of journalists by U.S. forces

CPJ sends letter to General Tommy Franks about mistreatment of journalists by U.S. forces

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 7 April 2003 CPJ letter to General Tommy Franks: April 7, 2003 TO: Gen. Tommy Franks Commander in Chief U.S. Central Command Doha, Qatar Dear General Franks: The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply concerned about two recent incidents in which U.S. forces allegedly interfered with and mistreated […]

Link to: Journalist death toll in Iraq climbs to nine, says CJFE

Journalist death toll in Iraq climbs to nine, says CJFE

(CJFE/IFEX) – The following is a CJFE media release: Journalist Death Toll in Iraq Doubles Overnight April 8 – In just 24 hours, the number of journalists killed covering the war in Iraq has doubled and it is time now for both sides to stop targeting journalists, Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) said today. […]