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Middle East & North Africa

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Link to: Two Moroccan journalists detained by Israeli military

Two Moroccan journalists detained by Israeli military

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a 4 July 2002 IFJ media release: IFJ Calls for End of Harassment of West Bank Journalists The International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ organisation, today protested over the detention of two Moroccan journalists by the Israeli military after they had interviewed Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat. “This […]

Link to: CPJ protests ongoing detention of journalists

CPJ protests ongoing detention of journalists

(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 3 July 2002 letter to President Ali Abdullah Saleh, CPJ protested the ongoing detention of free-lance journalists Ibrahim Hussein and Abdel Rahim Mohsen. On 21 June, plainclothes police officers arrested Hussein at the office of the Yemeni Unionist Party, according to CPJ sources. Mohsen was arrested at his home on 23 […]

Link to: Camera crews detained; journalist attacked by thugs

Camera crews detained; journalist attacked by thugs

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 28 June 2002 CPJ press release: Egypt: Camera crews detained; journalist attacked by thugs New York, June 28, 2002-The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) protests the harassment by Egyptian police of several reporters covering yesterday’s runoff parliamentary elections in the northern city of Alexandria. Egyptian police detained two journalists […]

Link to: Journalist arrested

Journalist arrested

(RSF/IFEX) – On 26 June 2002, RSF called for the immediate release of Yemeni journalist Ibrahim Hussen, who was arrested on 21 June by secret police in Sanaa after criticising the government. “Once again, the Yemeni authorities are using strong-arm tactics to intimidate the opposition press, especially when they denounce corruption,” said RSF Secretary-General Robert […]

Link to: Six Palestinian towns declared “closed military zones”, six Palestinian journalists still in prison

Six Palestinian towns declared “closed military zones”, six Palestinian journalists still in prison

(RSF/IFEX) – Following the latest Palestinian suicide bombings in Israel, journalists have been banned from six autonomous Palestinian towns in the West Bank (Bethlehem, Nablus, Ramallah, Jenin, Tulkarem and Qalqiliya) that have been declared “closed military zones” by the Israeli army (see IFEX alert of 27 June 2002). “We cannot help thinking that, rather than […]

Link to: Reuters cameraman comes under gunfire

Reuters cameraman comes under gunfire

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 26 June 2002 CPJ press release: ISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES: Reuters cameraman comes under gunfire New York, June 26, 2002-The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply concerned about an incident yesterday in which a Reuters television cameraman came under gunfire in the West Bank town of Hebron. […]

Link to: IFJ demands Israeli army return film footage of Bethlehem siege

IFJ demands Israeli army return film footage of Bethlehem siege

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ media release: 27 June 2002 IFJ Demands Israeli Army Return Film Footage of Bethlehem Siege The IFJ today called on the Israeli authorities to hand over film tapes of the siege of the Church of the Nativity taken from inside the Church by a British journalist who was […]

Link to: Risking retribution, leading human rights lawyer pleads for jailed husband’s release

Risking retribution, leading human rights lawyer pleads for jailed husband’s release

(PEN Canada/PEN American Center/IFEX) – The following is a 25 June 2002 PEN Canada and PEN American Center press release: RISKING RETRIBUTION, LEADING IRANIAN HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER PLEADS FOR JAILED HUSBAND’S RELEASE Margaret Atwood, Susan Sontag Lead Canadian, US PEN Centres in Demanding Action on Colleagues Imprisoned in Iran; former UN Representative on Human Rights […]

Link to: Internet journalist sentenced to two years and four months’ imprisonment

Internet journalist sentenced to two years and four months’ imprisonment

(WiPC/IFEX) – The WiPC of International PEN condemns in the strongest terms the prison sentence handed down to Internet journalist Zouhair Yahyaoui. According to information received by PEN, Yahyaoui, who uses the pseudonym Ettounsi (the Tunisian), was sentenced to two years and four months’ imprisonment on 20 June 2002 by the Tribunal de Première Instance […]

Link to: CPJ protests arrest and prosecution of online editor Zouhair Yahyaoui

CPJ protests arrest and prosecution of online editor Zouhair Yahyaoui

(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 19 June 2002 letter to Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, CPJ protested the arrest and prosecution of Zouhair Yahyaoui, an Internet café employee and editor of the online publication “Tunezine”. On the evening of 4 June, plainclothes state agents detained Yahyaoui at an Internet café in the capital, Tunis. Authorities […]

Link to: CPJ releases briefing on Palestinian broadcast media following Israeli West Bank offensive

CPJ releases briefing on Palestinian broadcast media following Israeli West Bank offensive

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 13 June 2002 CPJ press release: CPJ RELEASES BRIEFING ON PALESTINIAN BROADCAST MEDIA FOLLOWING ISRAELI WEST BANK OFFENSIVE June 13, 2002, New York, NY-Private Palestinian radio and television stations were among the casualties of Israel’s six-week military offensive in the West Bank last spring. A briefing released today by […]

Link to: RSF concerned about imprisoned cyber-dissident Toujan el-Faisal’s deteriorating health

RSF concerned about imprisoned cyber-dissident Toujan el-Faisal’s deteriorating health

(RSF/IFEX) – On 12 June 2002, RSF noted its serious concern over the health of imprisoned Jordanian cyber-dissident Toujan El-Faisal. She was hospitalised several days ago as a result of a hunger strike. The organisation called for her immediate release. “The Jordanian authorities are in large part responsible if her health worsens because they fail […]

Link to: Jordanian journalist expelled

Jordanian journalist expelled

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has protested the expulsion of journalist Mashhur Abu Eid. “This journalist was only doing his job. This new expulsion is inadmissible. It is yet another example of the way journalists are being hampered in their work since the launch of ‘Operation Rampart’ by Israel on 29 May. It is also fresh evidence […]

Link to: Journalist arrested, online newspaper censored

Journalist arrested, online newspaper censored

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has protested the 4 June 2002 arrest of Zouhair Yahyaoui, founder and editor of the online newspaper “TUNeZINE”, and the government’s suppression of the newspaper’s website. “Barely two weeks after the referendum on the constitution, whose proposed amendment would supposedly boost human rights in Tunisia, President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali has shown […]

Link to: Three journalists given five-month suspended sentences

Three journalists given five-month suspended sentences

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has protested a Yemeni court’s recent conviction of Abdul-Rahim Mohsen, Khaled Salman and Ibrahim Hasan, who were each sentenced to five-month suspended prison sentences. “This verdict is a perfect example of the inconsistency in Yemen between official statements about press freedom, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, and what happens in practice. […]

Link to: Judiciary bars press from mentioning relations with the United States

Judiciary bars press from mentioning relations with the United States

(RSF/IFEX) – On 27 May 2002, RSF protested the Iranian judiciary’s ban on publishing articles in the country’s press about relations between Iran and the United States (US) and called for the ban to be lifted at once. “This censorship violates the freedom of expression of journalists and the right of Iranians to be informed, […]