Middle East & North Africa

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Middle East & North Africa

8099 articles
Link to: State radio station Kol Israel banned from broadcasting live interviews with Palestinian leaders

State radio station Kol Israel banned from broadcasting live interviews with Palestinian leaders

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Minister Raanan Cohen, RSF protested the ban on live interviews with Palestinian militants broadcast by radio station Kol Israel. “During these times of escalating violence, Israeli and Palestinian audiences should have access to pluralistic information,” said Robert Ménard, the organisation’s secretary-general. “We fear that this measure may lead to […]

Link to: CPJ issues special briefing on Al-Jazeera’s coverage of new war

CPJ issues special briefing on Al-Jazeera’s coverage of new war

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ press release: CPJ ISSUES SPECIAL BRIEFING ON AL-JAZEERA’S COVERAGE OF NEW WAR Is channel a balanced news source or a biased outlet for inciting the Arab world against the United States? New York, October 23, 2001-As the sole foreign broadcaster in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan (and Osama bin Laden’s preferred […]

Link to: Journalist assaulted

Journalist assaulted

(CALP/IFEX) – Sid Ahmed Semiane (SAS), a columnist from the daily “Le Matin”, was assaulted during the night of Thursday 18 October to Friday 19 October 2001 by Lotfi Nezzar, the son of retired general Khaled Nezzar. The attack on the “Le Matin” journalist was reportedly prompted by his writings about Lotfi Nezzar’s father, which […]

Link to: Issue of “Le Monde Diplomatique” banned

Issue of “Le Monde Diplomatique” banned

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Minister of the Interior Abdallah Kaabi, RSF protested the ban on the October 2001 issue of “Le Monde Diplomatique”. “The Tunisian governement systematically bans foreign newspapers when they contain articles that displease it,” said Robert Ménard, the organisation’s secretary-general. “We ask for an explanation on this censorship measure,” he […]

Link to: Journalist sentenced to six months’ imprisonment and 50 lashes

Journalist sentenced to six months’ imprisonment and 50 lashes

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to the head of the judiciary, Ayatollah Shahroudi, RSF protested the sentencing of Fatemeh Govarai to six months’ imprisonment and 50 lashes. “This sentence is medieval. We ask you to have it rejected upon appeal,” said Robert Ménard, the organisation’s secretary-general. Moreover, RSF noted that Iran is the biggest jail […]

Link to: Two of journalist Nizar Nayyouf’s brothers dismissed, another intimidated

Two of journalist Nizar Nayyouf’s brothers dismissed, another intimidated

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to President Bashar al-Assad, RSF expressed its deep concern after the recent dismissals of two of journalist Nizar Nayyouf’s brothers. RSF Secretary-General Robert Ménard asked the president to “order the cancellation of this decision so that the brothers may be reinstated in their jobs.” Ménard added, “The Syrian authorities now […]

Link to: CPJ gravely concerned about Penal Code amendments

CPJ gravely concerned about Penal Code amendments

(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 12 October 2001 letter to His Majesty King Abdullah Ibn Hussein, CPJ expressed its grave concern over recent amendments to Jordan’s Penal Code that constitute a serious threat to press freedom and violate the right to free expression guaranteed under international law. On 8 October, the government of Prime Minister Ali […]

Link to: “Khartoum Monitor” suspended for the second time in one month

“Khartoum Monitor” suspended for the second time in one month

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Minister of the Interior Abdul-Rahim Mohammed Hussein, RSF protested the two-day suspension imposed on the English-language daily “Khartoum Monitor”. “It is the second time in less than one month that the Sudanese authorities have banned ‘Khartoum Monitor’ when it writes about the conflict between the country’s north and south,” […]

Link to: Measures against the press introduced as part of anti-terrorism campaign

Measures against the press introduced as part of anti-terrorism campaign

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to King Abdallah, RSF protested the current amendments to the penal code. “We bitterly regret that the war against terrorism is used as an excuse for such decisions,” said Robert Ménard, the organisation’s secretary-general. “Under the pretext that international opinion is focused on the United States’ strikes in Afghanistan, the […]

Link to: Ban on filming Palestinian reactions to American offensive in Afghanistan

Ban on filming Palestinian reactions to American offensive in Afghanistan

(RSF/IFEX) – On 8 October 2001, in Gaza, police prevented journalists from covering an anti-American demonstration until it ended. Press freedom violations have increased in the Territories under Palestinian authority since the beginning of the international crisis caused by the terrorist attacks on the United States. “We fear that the Palestinian authority is taking advantage […]

Link to: Photographer’s vehicle hit by bullets

Photographer’s vehicle hit by bullets

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Israeli Minister of Defence Benyamin Ben Eliezer, RSF protested the firing of shots at the vehicle of Associated Press (AP) photographer Elizabeth Dalziel in Hebron. Robert Ménard, the organisation’s secretary-general, asked that “the results of the investigation be rapidly made public.” He also noted that “It [was] fortunate that […]

Link to: IPI expresses concern over attempts by United States State Department to influence flow of news in Middle East

IPI expresses concern over attempts by United States State Department to influence flow of news in Middle East

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is an 8 October 2001 IPI letter to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell: Colin Powell Secretary of State State Department Washington, DC USA Fax: (+1-202) 261 8577 Vienna, 8 October 2001 Dear Mr. Secretary, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists, […]

Link to: CPJ dismayed by U.S. pressure against Arab satellite news channel

CPJ dismayed by U.S. pressure against Arab satellite news channel

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 4 October 2001 CPJ press release: U.S.: CPJ dismayed by U.S. pressure against Arab satellite news channel New York, October 4, 2001-The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is deeply concerned by reports that U.S. officials pressured Qatar in an attempt to influence the news coverage of the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera […]

Link to: Two newspapers banned for twenty-four hours

Two newspapers banned for twenty-four hours

(RSF/IFEX) – On 2 October 2001, the National Press and Publications Council ordered a twenty-four hour ban on the two dailies “Alwan” and “Al Ousboue”. The decision was implemented on 3 October. In a letter to Minister of Justice Ali M Osman Yasin, RSF protested the ban. “Censorship has been intensifying in the past few […]

Link to: Journalist Taoufik Ben Brik’s sister and brother-in-law on trial

Journalist Taoufik Ben Brik’s sister and brother-in-law on trial

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Minister of Justice Bechir Takkari, RSF expressed its deep concern on the eve of the opening of the trial of Saïda Ben Brik and Khemaies Mejri, sister and brother-in-law of Taoufik Ben Brik, respectively. RSF Secretary-General Robert Ménard asked the minister to “consult with the relevant authorities to ensure […]

Link to: Imprisoned journalists and their families under “pressure”

Imprisoned journalists and their families under “pressure”

(RSF/IFEX) – Twenty journalists are currently in jail in Iran. RSF is deeply concerned by the fact that several of them have been psychologically pressured to obtain confessions. RSF asks the head of the judiciary, Ayatollah Shahroudi, to order the release of these journalists, who merely exercised their right to freely inform. RSF is also […]