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96 articles
Link to: Christian-Democratic Party leader hounds the independent press

Christian-Democratic Party leader hounds the independent press

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has expressed concern about Yurie Rosca, a populist right-wing politician, who has been taking legal action against the country’s independent media. On 25 April 2005, Rosca, leader of the Christian-Democrat People’s Party (CDPP) and recently elected Moldovan Parliament deputy speaker, filed a complaint against “Timpul de dimineata”, a popular Romanian-language newspaper (circulation […]

Link to: Camera operator with state-owned television station released

Camera operator with state-owned television station released

(RSF/IFEX) – On 13 September 2004, Dinu Mija, a cameraman with the state-owned television station Moldova 1, was released after being held for seven days in the self-proclaimed Transnistrian Republic.

Link to: Cameraman arrested, jailed in Transnistria

Cameraman arrested, jailed in Transnistria

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has expressed deep concern over the 6 September 2004 arrest of cameraman Dinu Mija, of Moldova 1 public television. Mija was arrested by police in Tighina (also known as Bender) in the self-proclaimed Transnistrian republic, and sentenced to 15 days in prison. Mija’s colleague Ludmila Moraru, who was present at the time […]

Link to: Protesting journalists injured by police, one later dies

Protesting journalists injured by police, one later dies

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a 7 September 2004 IFJ press release: IFJ Condemns Moldova Over Attacks As Journalists Strike for Public Broadcasting The International Federation of Journalists today expressed “shock and outrage” over attacks on Moldovan journalists and freedom of expression activists who are locked in an industrial battle – including a hunger strike […]

Link to: RSF concerned over wave of press freedom violations

RSF concerned over wave of press freedom violations

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has expressed concern over the deteriorating press freedom situation in Moldova as about 30 journalists continue to occupy the boardroom of Teleradio Moldova, the state broadcasting company. The journalists have been occupying the premises since 27 July 2004. About 100 police and military officers surround the building. The protest comes in response […]

Link to: Investigative journalist brutally beaten on eve of libel case appeal

Investigative journalist brutally beaten on eve of libel case appeal

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has strongly condemned the brutal beating of an investigative journalist on the eve of an appeal court hearing in a libel case in which she was involved. On 23 June 2004, Alina Anghel, of the investigative weekly “Timpul”, was attacked in front of her home in Chisinau by two unknown men, who […]

Link to: Parliament removes defamation article from Criminal Code

Parliament removes defamation article from Criminal Code

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 26 April 2004 CPJ press release: MOLDOVA: Parliament removes defamation article from Criminal Code New York, April 26, 2004-The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is pleased by the Moldovan Parliament’s decision to remove Article 170 from the country’s Criminal Code. Article 170 called for up to five years imprisonment […]

Link to: Journalists launch hunger strike to protest suspension of Antena C and Euro TV

Journalists launch hunger strike to protest suspension of Antena C and Euro TV

(IJC/IFEX) – The following is a 2 April 2004 joint statement by the IJC, “Acces-info” Center, Press Freedom Committee, Association of Independent Press and Association of Electronic Press “APEL”: Declaration of solidarity with journalists from radio Antena C and Euro TV Chisinau, Republic of Moldova April 2, 2004 The Independent Journalism Center, “Acces-info” Center, Press […]

Link to: Journalists’ union president charged; SEEMO concerned about recent media developments

Journalists’ union president charged; SEEMO concerned about recent media developments

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is a press release by the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an IPI affiliate: Vienna, 11 February 2004 The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in South East Europe and an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), is deeply […]

Link to: IJC condemns suspension of broadcasters

IJC condemns suspension of broadcasters

(IJC/IFEX) – The following is a 6 February 2004 press release by the Moldova Media Working Group, of which IJC is a member: Media Task Force Moldova Media Work Group February 6, 2004 Declaration The Moldova Media Working Group expresses its concern about the 3 February 2004 decision of the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (CCA) regarding […]

Link to: Three opposition news media face tough measures

Three opposition news media face tough measures

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has voiced outrage after the bank accounts and other assets of the opposition newspaper “Timpul” were sequestered by court order on 9 February 2004. The move follows the filing of a lawsuit against the paper, although no hearing on the merits of the lawsuit has been held to date. The move violates […]

Link to: Camera operator harassed

Camera operator harassed

(IJC/IFEX) – The following is a 28 January 2004 joint declaration by the IJC, Committee for Press Freedom, Access-Info Center, Association of Electronic Press (APEL), Association of Independent Press and Union of Journalists of Moldova: Chisinau, January 28, 2004 The Independent Journalism Center, the Committee for Press Freedom, the Access-Info Center, the Association of Electronic […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 expresses concern over measures taken to transform Teleradio Moldova into a public service broadcaster

ARTICLE 19 expresses concern over measures taken to transform Teleradio Moldova into a public service broadcaster

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is a 19 December 2003 ARTICLE 19 letter to President Vladimir Voronin: 19 December 2003 President Vladimir Voronin Republic of Moldova Fax. +373 2 24 55 26 Dear President Voronin, ARTICLE 19, the Global Campaign for Free Expression, is concerned that inadequate and non-transparent measures are being taken to transform […]

Link to: RSF protests raid on newspaper’s offices

RSF protests raid on newspaper’s offices

(RSF/IFEX) – On 19 May 2003, RSF voiced outrage over a raid on the offices of the news group Flux Publications. During the 13 May raid, police seized computers, e-mail messages and files in connection with a report alleging links between a Moldava-based Lebanese businessman and a terrorist group. The report is the subject of […]

Link to: Press group target of government pressure

Press group target of government pressure

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is a 20 May 2003 letter to President Vladimir Voronin by the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an IPI affiliate: H. E. Vladimir Voronin President of the Republic of Moldova Chisinau Moldova Fax: + 373 2 23 77 42 Vienna, 20 May 2003 Your Excellency, The Vienna-based South East Europe […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 releases statement on draft Law on Freedom of the Press

ARTICLE 19 releases statement on draft Law on Freedom of the Press

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 information note: ARTICLE 19 releases statement on the Moldova draft Law on Freedom of the Press (ARTICLE 19, London) – ARTICLE 19’s “Statement on the Moldova draft Law on Freedom of the Press” is available at: ARTICLE 19, the Global Campaign for Free Expression, has […]