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112 articles
Link to: Businessman Nyimpine Chissano charged in murder of investigative journalist Carlos Cardoso

Businessman Nyimpine Chissano charged in murder of investigative journalist Carlos Cardoso

(MISA/IFEX) – The Mozambican public prosecutor’s office has charged businessman Nyimpine Chissano, eldest son of former President Joaquim Chissano, in the November 2000 murder of Mozambique’s top investigative journalist, Carlos Cardoso. A legal source contacted by the Mozambique News Agency (AIM) confirmed that the charge sheet was delivered to the Maputo City Court about two […]

Link to: Editor and two journalists accused of defaming businessman, arrested and held in detention

Editor and two journalists accused of defaming businessman, arrested and held in detention

(MISA/IFEX) – On 3 May 2006, the editor and two journalists of the community newspaper “Mabarwe”, published in Mozambique’s Barue district, were arrested following a complaint from a local businessman that the newspaper had defamed him. The media workers are still in custody and MISA-Mozambique is attempting to secure their release. “Mabarwe” editor Sebastiao Canjera, […]

Link to: Journalist’s killer gets 30-year prison sentence but mysteries remain

Journalist’s killer gets 30-year prison sentence but mysteries remain

(RSF/IFEX) – Reporters Without Borders welcomed the 30-year jail sentence passed on 20 January 2006 to Anibal Antonio dos Santos Junior (“Anibalzinho”), for leading the commando that gunned down journalist Carlos Cardoso in 2000. But it said many questions remained and called for an investigation of claims by his accomplices that ex-President Joaquim Chissano’s son […]

Link to: Retrial of accused Cardoso murderer set for December

Retrial of accused Cardoso murderer set for December

(MISA/IFEX) – The tenth section of the Maputo City Court has finally set a date, December 1, 2005, for the retrial of Anibal dos Santos Junior (“Anibalzinho”), the man who led the death squad that murdered Mozambique’s top investigative journalist, Carlos Cardoso, on November 22, 2000. The retrial will thus begin almost a full year […]

Link to: Journalists assaulted, equipment confiscated

Journalists assaulted, equipment confiscated

(MISA/IFEX) – On 28 June 2005, “Zambeze” weekly newspaper photojournalist Luis Muianga was brutally beaten by a group of municipal police while working in downtown Maputo. According to a report in the 19 June edition of “Diário de Notícias”, Muianga and colleague Raul Senda were working on a story about an impending taxi fare increase […]

Link to: Reporters attacked, equipment seized

Reporters attacked, equipment seized

(MISA/IFEX) – On 13 April 2005, two camerapersons from the privately-owned Mozambican television channel STV were beaten up and had their equipment seized by a group of guards from a private security firm. The media workers were filming randomly in the streets of the capital, Maputo. According to STV, the journalists were stopped and asked […]

Link to: Media barred from covering libel trial

Media barred from covering libel trial

(MISA/IFEX) – On 28 March 2005, the Maputo City Court’s eighth section, in an unprecedented move, decided to bar the media from covering a libel case involving one of six men sentenced to long prison terms in January 2003 for the murder of Mozambique’s foremost investigative journalist, Carlos Cardoso. The case is of great public […]

Link to: Journalist kidnapped, threatened with death

Journalist kidnapped, threatened with death

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has called on the Mozambican authorities to protect Jeremias Langa, news director of the privately-owned television station Soico TV (STV). On 27 January 2005, the journalist was kidnapped at gunpoint in Maputo. He was held briefly and threatened with “the same fate as journalist Carlos Cardoso if [he] continued to talk too […]

Link to: Fugitive in Cardoso murder returned to Mozambique

Fugitive in Cardoso murder returned to Mozambique

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 24 January 2005 CPJ press release: Fugitive in Cardoso murder returned to Mozambique New York, January 24, 2005 – A fugitive in the murder of investigative reporter Carlos Cardoso has been returned to Mozambique, where he faces a new trial in the November 2000 slaying. The Committee to Protect […]

Link to: RENAMO bans television crew from filming election campaigns

RENAMO bans television crew from filming election campaigns

(MISA/IFEX) – On 6 November 2004, local officials of Mozambique’s former rebel movement, Resistencia Nacional de Mozambique (RENAMO), banned a TVM public television station crew from filming RENAMO election campaigning in two northern towns, Mozambique Island and Nacala. The ban came despite the movement’s regular complaints that TVM does not give it sufficient coverage. Both […]

Link to: CJFE calls on Canadian government to return journalist’s murderer to Mozambique

CJFE calls on Canadian government to return journalist’s murderer to Mozambique

(CJFE/IFEX) – The following is a 2 June 2004 CJFE media release: CJFE calls on Canadian government to return murderer of journalist to Mozambique. June 2 — Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) calls on the Canadian government to expedite the return of Mozambican criminal Anibal dos Santos Junior to prison in Mozambique. Dos Santos, […]

Link to: Journalist detained and released

Journalist detained and released

(MISA/IFEX) – MISA-Mozambique and the Mozambique journalists’ union’s (SNJ) Niassa branch have condemned the 15 May 2004 detention for 10 hours of reporter Fabiao Mondlane. Mondlane, who works for the independent Niassa newspaper “Faisca” and is also a correspondent for the Maputo weekly “Demos”, was arrested in the provincial capital, Lichinga, on orders of the […]

Link to: Authorities’ complicity suspected as killer of journalist Carlos Cardoso escapes from prison

Authorities’ complicity suspected as killer of journalist Carlos Cardoso escapes from prison

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has expressed shock over police reports of Anibal Antonio dos Santos’ escape, on 10 May 2004, from Maputo’s high security prison. Dos Santos, also known as “Anibalzinho”, had been serving a 28-year sentence since January 2003 for the murder of journalist Carlos Cardoso. “This is the second time that Anibalzinho has escaped […]

Link to: Three years after Carlos Cardoso’s murder, the identity of all those involved is still unknown

Three years after Carlos Cardoso’s murder, the identity of all those involved is still unknown

(RSF/IFEX) – Carlos Cardoso, Mozambique’s most famous journalist, was gunned down on a Maputo street on 22 November 2000. Three years later, the identity of all the persons involved in his death is still unknown, even though six people were convicted in an exemplary trial. At least one of the instigators behind the contract killing […]

Link to: Journalist detained and interrogated

Journalist detained and interrogated

(MISA/IFEX) – During the weekend of 8 to 9 November 2003, Radio Mozambique journalist Salvador Januario was detained by members and sympathisers of Mozambique’s former rebel movement, the Resistencia Nacional Mocambicana (RENAMO). Januario was held captive for several hours at the local RENAMO offices in the northern province of Cabo Delgado. The incident took place […]

Link to: German journalist threatened and assaulted, equipment confiscated

German journalist threatened and assaulted, equipment confiscated

(MISA/IFEX) – On 3 November 2003, freelance German journalist Fritz Stark was threatened, assaulted and had his equipment confiscated by unknown assailants in Quelimane, the capital of Zambézia province, in Mozambique’s central region. Stark, aged 38, has been working in Mozambique for about two years. Shortly before the assault, he was taking photographs of a […]