Photojournalist jailed over US$5 fine
(MISA/IFEX) – Photojournalist Kok Nam spent the night of Wednesday 28 November 2001 in jail because of a fine equivalent to less than US$5, the Agencia Informação Moçambique (AIM) reported on 29 November. Kok Nam is the director of the weekly newspaper “Savana”, which is fighting a libel case brought by a businessman in the […]

Cameraman assaulted and threatened
(MISA/IFEX) – On Thursday 1 November 2001, Jose Arlindo, a cameraman with Mozambican Television (TVM), was beaten up by armed security officers of the main opposition party in Mozambique, the Resistencia National Mocambicana (Renamo), in the northern city of Nampula. The incident occured while Renamo was holding its congress. One policeman and two unidentified civilians […]

CPJ delegation finds fear in Mozambique press
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 19 July 2001 CPJ press release: CPJ DELEGATION FINDS FEAR IN MOZAMBIQUE PRESS Maputo, Mozambique, July 19, 2001 – Eight months after the murder of investigative journalist Carlos Cardoso, Mozambican journalists told a delegation from the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) that they are afraid to cover […]

Six suspects charged in Cardoso murder investigation
(MISA/IFEX) – Six months after the assassination of Mozambique’s best known journalist and editor of the independent newsletter “Metical”, Carlos Cardoso, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, at the end of its preliminary investigation, has charged six people with the crime According to the Tuesday 22 May 2001 issue of “Metical”, the Public Prosecutor has charged businessman […]

Mozambican police arrest key suspects in journalist Cardoso’s murder
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 14 March 2001 CPJ press release: MOZAMBICAN POLICE ARREST KEY SUSPECTS IN CARDOSO MURDER New York, March 14, 2001 — On March 13, police in Mozambique arrested two businessmen and a former bank manager accused of ordering the murder of investigative journalist Carlos Cardoso, according to international news reports […]

Worrying developments in the investigation into journalist Carlos Cardoso’s murder
(RSF/IFEX) – In letters addressed to Justice Minister José Ibraimo Abudo and Interior Minister Almerino Manhenje, RSF expressed its concern about recent developments in the investigation into the death of Carlos Cardoso. RSF called on the two ministers to guarantee access by the victim’s family’s lawyer to the file, as provided for in the Mozambican […]

Arrests made in Cardoso murder case
(MISA/IFEX) – Bowing to public and media pressure, Mozambican Interior Minister Almerinho Manhenje finally announced that arrests were made in connection with the murder of Carlos Cardoso, the country’s best known journalist, the South African Press Agency (SAPA) reported last week. Cardoso, editor of the independent newsletter “Metical”, was ambushed and gunned down in a […]

RSF questions the government’s determination to shed light on journalist Carlos Cardoso’s murder
(RSF/IFEX) – The following is an RSF press release: RSF wonders if the Mozambican government wants to shed light on the murder of Carlos Cardoso In a letter addressed to Joaquim Chissano, President of the Republic of Mozambique, Robert Ménard, Secretary General of Reporters Sans Frontières (Reporters Without Borders – RSF), an organization campaigning for […]

Journalists receive death threats
(MISA/IFEX) – The editor of the independent weekly “Savana”, Salomao Moyana, along with one of the paper’s senior reporters, Paulo Machava, received an anonymous phone call threatening them with death, reports the Mozambican news agency AIM. Moyana told AIM that Machava took the call on 14 December 2000. There was a male voice on the […]

CPJ demands justice for journalist’s murder
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 27 November 2000 CPJ press release: VETERAN JOURNALIST MURDERED IN MOZAMBIQUE; CPJ DEMANDS JUSTICE New York, November 27, 2000 — CPJ condemns last week’s execution-style murder of Carlos Cardoso, editor of the daily fax newsletter Metical, based in the Mozambique capital, Maputo. According to local and international news reports, […]

Editor’s assassination condemned
(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ press release: November 24th 2000 Defiant Journalists Condemn Assassination of Editor in Mozambique: “We will not be silenced” THE International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists organisation, has condemned the killing on November 22nd of Carlos Cardoso, one of Mozambique’s most distinguished journalists. The editor of the […]

RSF asks that light be shed on the assassination of journalist Carlos Cardoso
(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Mozambican President Joaquim Chissano, RSF Secretary-General Robert Ménard expressed his grave concern following the 22 November 2000 killing of Carlos Cardoso, journalist and founder of the investigative daily “Metical”. Ménard also asked that “every effort be made to lead a thorough and impartial investigation into the assassination, that the […]

Veteran journalist killed in ambush
(MISA/IFEX) – One of Mozambique’s most prominent journalists, Carlos Cardoso, was shot dead on Wednesday 22 November 2000 in central Maputo by unknown assailants. Cardoso, editor of the independent daily newsheet “Metical”, was gunned down in an ambush on Wednesday 22 November, in the late afternoon, near his office in the Mozambican capital. There are […]

Political party security guards threaten journalists
(MISA/IFEX) – On 30 September 2000, security guards from Mozambique’s main opposition party, Renamo, threatened two journalists and tried to prevent them from covering a weekend meeting in the central city of Chimoio, despite the fact that the journalists had been invited to the meeting. The Mozambican news agency AIM says the two reporters involved […]

Attempt to force paper to reveal source
(MISA/IFEX) – The Mozambican Attorney-General’s (AG) office has made an attempt to force the independent newsheet “Metical” to reveal the name of one its sources, even though the right of journalists to protect their sources is guaranteed under the 1991 Press Law, reports the Mozambican news agency, AIM. The editor of “Metical”, Carlos Cardoso, received […]

Political censorship at former state owned weekly
(MISA/IFEX) – The Maputo Sunday paper “Domingo” has apparently begun to censor the advertising it publishes according to its political content. “Domingo” is a former state-owned and controlled newspaper that was privatised in 1983. It is owned by a group of business people who make up the management and appoint the editor-in-chief. According to the […]