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Link to: Freedom of the Press 2007: Netherlands

Freedom of the Press 2007: Netherlands

Freedom of the Press 2007: Netherlands

Link to: News agency’s computer system hacked by civil servants; IPI calls for independent investigation

News agency’s computer system hacked by civil servants; IPI calls for independent investigation

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is a 6 November 2007 IPI press release: Vienna, 6 November 2007 IPI Calls on Dutch Government to Conduct an Independent Investigation into the Hacking of a News Agency’s Computer System The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in over 120 countries, strongly […]

Link to: CORRECTION: Jailed journalists released; new legislation needed to protect confidentiality of sources in future, says ARTICLE 19

CORRECTION: Jailed journalists released; new legislation needed to protect confidentiality of sources in future, says ARTICLE 19

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – Please note, the previous version of this alert incorrectly stated that the court order requiring the two journalists to disclose their sources remained in force. In fact, the order has been dropped. ARTICLE 19 apologises for the error. The corrected version of the 30 November 2006 ARTICLE 19 statement follows: DETENTION OF […]

Link to: Jailed journalists released, but court order to reveal sources stands; new legislation needed to protect confidentiality of sources, says ARTICLE 19

Jailed journalists released, but court order to reveal sources stands; new legislation needed to protect confidentiality of sources, says ARTICLE 19

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is a 30 November 2006 ARTICLE 19 statement: DETENTION OF DUTCH JOURNALISTS SHOWS NEED FOR INTRODUCTION OF LAW TO PROTECT JOURNALISTS’ SOURCES In the wake of the release of two journalists from detention (on 30 November), ARTICLE 19 calls on the Dutch authorities to adopt legislation guaranteeing the right of […]

Link to: Two journalists jailed for refusing to reveal sources for story on intelligence leak to underworld

Two journalists jailed for refusing to reveal sources for story on intelligence leak to underworld

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ media release: IFJ Calls for Immediate Release of Dutch Journalists in Protection of Sources Case The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the release of two journalists who have been jailed in the Netherlands for refusing to reveal their sources for a story they wrote about […]

Link to: RSF dismayed at filmmaker’s murder

RSF dismayed at filmmaker’s murder

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has voiced dismay at the 2 November murder in Amsterdam of Theo Van Gogh, a controversial filmmaker, writer and columnist known for his mordant and provocative views. Van Gogh had reportedly received death threats after a film he had made about Islam was recently shown on television. “We are horrified by this […]

Link to: Journalist killed

Journalist killed

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ media release: Killing of Dutch Journalist ‘Must Not Lead to Violence and Intolerance’ Says IFJ The International Federation of Journalists today joined with free expression groups worldwide in condemnation of the “brutal and chilling” murder of controversial Dutch film-maker and columnist Theo Van Gogh. Van Gogh was shot […]

Link to: Journalist released

Journalist released

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ press release: Dutch Journalist Released After Europe-wide Protests 10 October 2000 THE IFJ and its regional organisation, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), join their affiliated Dutch Association of Journalists (NVJ) in welcoming the release of Koen Voskuil yesterday. The Amsterdam Court of Justice had detained Voskuil since […]

Link to: Journalist detained for refusing to reveal his sources

Journalist detained for refusing to reveal his sources

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is a 28 September 2000 IFJ media release: IFJ Calls For European United Front in Battle to Free Dutch Journalist THE International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ organisation, and its regional organisation, the European Federation of Journalists, today called on European publishers and broadcasters to support the Dutch media’s […]

Link to: RSF expresses concern over detention of seven Italian journalists

RSF expresses concern over detention of seven Italian journalists

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Minister of the Interior Klaas de Vries, RSF expressed its concern over the detention of seven Italian journalists during the final of the European Cup of football in Rotterdam. “Such behaviour is unacceptable on the part of the police forces,” declared Robert Ménard, the organisation’s secretary-general. “We ask the […]

Link to: Author Graa Boomsma (m) faces appeal against acquittal in face of threats; journalist Eddy Schaafsma’s acquittal confirmed

Author Graa Boomsma (m) faces appeal against acquittal in face of threats; journalist Eddy Schaafsma’s acquittal confirmed

**Updates IFEX CH alerts dated 3 August, 13 June, 24, 23 May 1994** On 12 January 1995, the Leewarden Court heard an appeal against the acquittal on charges of defamation in June 1994 of author Graa Boomsma and journalist Eddy Schaafsma. Schaafsma was acquitted; the verdict against Boomsma will be given on 26 January. If […]