Concerns over editorial independence and uncertainty at New Caledonia’s only daily paper
A statement by the Nouvelles Calédoniennes Journalists’ Association accuses the French High Commissioner of putting pressure on their editorial board, which they say has given in to his demands to publish an article he authored attacking the paper’s journalists.

Protest ends after disrupting access to information and media operations for eight months
(RSF/IFEX) – Reporters Without Borders has hailed the signing of an accord on 8 November 2006 in Noumea, the capital of New Caledonia, between the pro-independence Union of Kanak and Exploited Workers (USTKE) and the management of the French public radio and TV broadcaster RFO. The accord should end eight months of turmoil for RFO’s […]

Hundreds march for press freedom in New Caledonia
(PINA/IFEX) – On 2 March 2002, an estimated 500 people took to the streets of New Caledonia’s capital Nouméa to demonstrate support for press freedom, the daily “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported. The march was called by the French Pacific territory’s Human Rights League. It was organised in protest against recent assaults on the publisher of […]

Editor-in-chief of radio station assaulted
(PINA/IFEX) – On 20 February 2002, New Caledonian radio station Radio Djiido reported that its editor-in-chief, Lucienne Moréo-See, was assaulted at her home near Nouméa, capital of the French Pacific territory. The radio station said Moréo-See was attacked by two men in the morning hours several days earlier. They assaulted the journalist and then left. […]

Editor of satirical newspaper assaulted
(PINA/IFEX) – On 13 February 2002, Etienne Dutailly, publisher of a satirical newspaper in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia, was assaulted in his office by two men, the daily “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported. Dutailly publishes “Le Chien Bleu”, which features satire about the sometimes turbulent New Caledonian political scene. He has been assaulted […]

Court to rule on broadcasting dispute
(PINA/IFEX) – On 16 October 1999, Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) President André-Michel Besse and New Caledonian Union Syndicale des Travailleurs Kanaks Exploités (USTKE) union leader Louis Kotra Uregei agreed to suspend disciplinary action against USTKE members within the broadcasting station, pending a court ruling, “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported. The daily newspaper said Besse and Uregei met […]

National TV and radio services back on the air
(PINA/IFEX) – New Caledonia’s Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) television and radio broadcasts resumed on the night of 9 October 1999 after six days of interruption due to union-led pickets, the newspaper “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported on 11 October. Since Monday 4 October, Union Syndicale des Travailleurs Kanaks Exploités (USTKE) members prevented anyone from entering the station’s […]

Unionists put New Caledonian TV and radio services off the air
(PINA/IFEX) – The French Pacific territory of New Caledonia’s national radio and television services remained off the air on 7 October 1999, three days after unionists forced a shutdown of services. The union members were protesting against sanctions imposed on technicians who prevented the 2 September broadcast of a current affairs programme featuring the leader […]

French council rules New Caledonia TV programme must be shown
(PINA/IFEX) – French Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisual (Audiovisual Council) President Hervé Bourges said that the council ruled that a television programme in New Caledonia should be shown despite efforts by unionists to stop it, the newspaper “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported on 11 September 1999. It quoted Bourges as saying that the current affairs programme should […]

Confrontation with unionists over New Caledonia TV programme continues
(PINA/IFEX) – A confrontation over efforts by trade unionists to muzzle a television current affairs programme in New Caledonia continues, the daily newspaper “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported on 7 September 1999. It quoted Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) station director Alain Le Garrec as saying union members who blacked out the programme had been suspended and the […]

New Caledonian current affairs programme blacked out
(PINA/IFEX) – On 4 September 1999, the daily newspaper “Les Nouvelles Calédoniennes” reported that the French overseas radio and TV network Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) continued to be a target in trade union protests in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia. It said that one of RFO’s current affairs programmes was forced off the air […]

Editor issues public plea after journalist injured covering union blockade
(PINA/IFEX) – On 26 August 1999, Réseau France-Outremer (RFO) New Caledonia editor-in-chief Francis Orny urged all business, trade union and political leaders in the French Pacific territory to “keep their troops under control” after an RFO cameraperson was injured during a confrontation between unionists and members of the public. RFO-television cameraperson Philippe Grenier was hit […]

Anti-independence leader pressures broadcasters
(PINA/IFEX) – The visiting head of the French overseas broadcasting service told staff in New Caledonia on 8 December 1997 that they will continue to be free to report without restrictions. Societe National de Radio Television Francaise D’Outre Mer (RFO) president Jean-Marie Cavada pledged that RFO journalists in the French Pacific territory would be protected. […]