General Assembly 2008 Country Report: Paraguay
General Assembly 2008 Country Report: Paraguay

Correspondent threatened by peasant farmers fighting for land rights
(SPP/IFEX) – The SPP condemns the issuing of a threat against Alberto Núñez, a correspondent for Nation Group Communications (Grupo Nación de Comunicaciones) in the department of San Pedro. According to Núñez, on 31 October 2008, he was threatened by five peasant farmers who were fighting for land rights and had been detained by police […]

Journalists assaulted by lawyer
(SPP/IFEX) – The following is an abbreviated version of a 21 October 2008 SPP press release: Lawyer assaults journalists SPP condemns assault on journalists in Ciudad del Este The SPP condemns the cowardly assault by lawyer Américo Ayala on journalists Enrique Acosta and Nelson Esquivel, of the Ciudad del Este-based regional daily TN Press. On […]

Journalists impeded in attempts to cover Venezuelan president’s visit to Paraguay
(SPP/IFEX) – On 18 August 2008, the SPP filed a complaint with the Venezuelan embassy in Asunción about incidents that took place on 16 August in San Pedro del Ykuamandyjú in which several journalists were prevented from carrying out their work. Aníbal Emery, a journalist with Radio Ñandutí radio station in Asunción, said he was […]

Two journalists assaulted by police while trying to cover demonstration against homelessness
(SPP/IFEX) – The SPP condemns the cowardly assault on “La Nación” newspaper journalists Gerardo Benítez and Ismael Villalba by members of the national police force. On the morning of 24 June 2008, during a protest by “Sin Techo” organisations against homelessness in front of the Office of the Secretary for Social Action (SAS) in Asunción, […]

ARTICLE 19 celebrates judicial decisions recognising access to public information as a fundamental human right
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release: Courts in Paraguay and the Dominican Republic guarantee access to information ARTICLE 19 celebrates two recent judicial decisions in Paraguay and the Dominican Republic which recognise access to public information as a fundamental human right. “The decisions of the courts in Paraguay and Dominican […]

Report to the Midyear Meeting 2008: Paraguay
Report to the Midyear Meeting 2008: Paraguay

“ABC Color” journalists, editor cleared of defamation accusations stemming from coverage of highway contract irregularities
(SPP/IFEX) – On 30 April 2008 the SPP welcomed the court ruling absolving journalists Enrique Dávalos and Carlos Cáceres of defamation, calumny and injury to the former auditors of the Comptroller General’s Office (Contraloría General de la República), alleged to have been caused by their articles investigating irregularities in the fulfillment of highway contracts. Aldo […]

Community radio stations bracing for possible military incursions following irresponsible accusations by President Duarte
(AMARC/IFEX) – AMARC-Paraguay and the Paraguayan Association for Community Communication (Asociación Paraguaya de Comunicación Comunitaria, COMUNICA) condemn the recent statements by Paraguayan President Nicanor Duarte, accusing “community radio stations” in the San Pedro department of acquiring explosives, allegedly in preparation for violent actions to take place on 20 April 2008, national elections day. In comments […]

Radio journalist critical of drug-trafficking seriously wounded, his wife killed, in shooting attack
(RSF/IFEX) – RSF is very worried by a shooting attack that took place on 8 April 2008 in Curuguaty (300 km north-east of Asunción) in which political activist and radio commentator Alfredo Tomás Avalos was seriously injured by a gunshot to the head and his Brazilian wife, Silvana Rodrígues, was killed. The organisation fears the […]

Annual Report 2008: Paraguay
Annual Report 2008: Paraguay

Journalist alleges his pending dismissal orchestrated by politician, following threat
(SPP/IFEX) – The SPP condemns the effort by the Concepción-based newspaper “ABC Color” to dismiss, without just cause, its reporter, Telmo Ibáñez. The attempted firing is apparently based on the effort of a politician, believed to be involved in acts of corruption, to frame the journalist. The politician in question had previously threatened Ibáñez that […]

Presidential candidate publicly berates, intimidates critical journalist
(SPP/IFEX) – The SPP firmly repudiates the irresponsible, malicious and absurd accusations made by presidential candidate Lino Oviedo against “ABC Color” newspaper journalist Roberto González. Oviedo, candidate for the Partido Unión Nacional de Ciudadanos Éticos (Punace) political party, an Asunción-based radio station that González accepted bribes to criticise him, and that “the clearest proof of […]

Journalists prevented from covering prosecutor general’s meeting with opposition politicians about a murder
(SPP/IFEX) – The SPP condemns the actions taken by the national prosecutor’s office (Fiscalía General del Estado) and the National Police against Diana González, of “Última Hora” daily newspaper, and Eduardo Quintana, of the daily “ABC Color”. The organization regards the actions as a violation of freedom of expression and freedom of the press. On […]

Freedom of the Press 2007: Paraguay
Freedom of the Press 2007: Paraguay

One journalist killed, but struggle to democratise media continued in 2007, says SPP
(SPP/IFEX) – The following is an abridged 24 December 2007 SPP press release: A year of struggle, setbacks and advances Throughout 2007, governmental hostility and labour issues hounded journalists. The most serious setback of the year was the murder of Alberto Tito Palma, a radio journalist from Mayor Otaño, who was killed in August in […]