UN called upon to restart preparations for Truth and Reconciliation Commission
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release 14 July 2000, London and Freetown – For immediate release SIERRA LEONE: RIGHTS GROUPS CALL ON UN TO RESTART PREPARATIONS FOR TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION ARTICLE 19, the Global Campaign for Free Expression, and the Sierra Leone Working Group on the Truth and Reconciliation […]

Journalist beaten by UN officer
(RSF/IFEX) – In a 21 June 2000 letter to Ambassador Oluyemi Adeniji, chief of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL), RSF protested the assault committed by an officer of the UNAMSIL against Arthur Caulker, a journalist with the private biweekly “Salone Times”, in Freetown. While not wishing to comment on the facts of […]

Fifteen reporters killed since 1997
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ press release: SIERRA LEONE: 15 REPORTERS KILLED SINCE 1997, 13 BY REBEL FORCES CPJ: “RUF Deliberately Targeted Local Reporters And Foreign Correspondents For Years” New York, May 25, 2000 — A total of 15 journalists have been killed in Sierra Leone since 1997 because of their work, according […]

Two journalists killed by RUF gunmen; two others wounded
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 24 May 2000 CPJ press release: SIERRA LEONE: TWO JOURNALISTS KILLED BY RUF GUNMEN; TWO OTHERS WOUNDED CPJ: “RUF Deliberately Targeted Local Reporters And Foreign Correspondents For Years” New York, May 24, 2000 — The Committee to Protect Journalists is outraged by the latest murderous attack on journalists in […]

Rights groups call for “two-track approach” on truth and justice
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release: 24 May 2000. For immediate release RIGHTS GROUPS CALL FOR “TWO-TRACK APPROACH” ON TRUTH AND JUSTICE IN SIERRA LEONE Forum of Conscience, a Sierra Leone human rights organisation, and ARTICLE 19, the Global Campaign for Free Expression, today joined together to make the case […]

CPJ condemns recent spate of press freedom violations
**Updates IFEX alert of 16 May 2000** (CPJ/IFEX) – In a 19 May 2000 letter to President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah, CPJ stated that it is deeply disturbed by recent serious press freedom violations in Sierra Leone. It is particularly concerned about the continued illegal detention of Abdoul Kouyateh, acting editor of the private Freetown weekly […]

Journalist detained
(RSF/IFEX) – In a 15 May 2000 letter to Minister of Justice Solomon Berewa, RSF protested the arrest of Abdul Kuyuteh, acting editor of the private weekly “Wisdom Newspaper”, urging him to do everything in his power to secure the journalist’s immediate release. RSF reminded him that in a document dated 14 July 1992, the […]

Journalist killed outside Foday Sankoh’s house
(RSF/IFEX) – In an 11 May 2000 letter to President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah, RSF expressed serious concern about the death of Saoman Conteh, a reporter with the private weekly “New Tablet” in Freetown. RSF called on him to do everything in his power to ensure that those responsible for the murder of Conteh are identified […]

Two journalists released on bail
**Updates IFEX alert of 18 February 2000** (RSF/IFEX) – Ayodele Lukobi Johnson and Ayodele Walters, managing editor and reporter, respectively, with “Rolyc Newspaper”, were granted bail on 21 February 2000, in Freetown. The two journalists are expected to appear before the magistrate next week. According to information collected by RSF, on 16 February Lukobi Johnson […]

Two journalists jailed
(RSF/IFEX) – In an 18 February 2000 letter to Justice Minister Solomon Berewa, RSF protested the detention of two journalists in Freetown. RSF urged the minister to do everything in his power to secure the release on bail of Ayodele Lukobi Johnson and Ayodele Walters, managing editor and reporter, respectively, with “Rolyc Newspaper”. Robert Ménard, […]

Call for consultation of Truth Commission legislation
25 January 2000 – for immediate release “STITCH-UP” WARNING ON SIERRA LEONE TRUTH COMMISSION BILL ARTICLE 19 today called upon the Government of Sierra Leone to allow time for extensive public consultations on legislation which will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The international rights organisation cautioned the government against an excessive rush to […]

ARTICLE 19 comments on new information and communication policy
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 submission on the government of Sierra Leone’s information and communication policy: SUBMISSION BY ARTICLE 19 TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIERRA LEONE ON THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION POLICY FOR SIERRA LEONE (JULY 1999) ARTICLE 19 is grateful to the Minister of Information for making a copy of […]

Editor deported
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is a 6 October 1999 ARTICLE 19 letter addressed to President Kabbah, expressing the organisation’s regret over Emmanuel Sanossi’s deportation: His Excellency President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah Presidential Lodge Hill Station Freetown, Sierra Leone FAX: 00 232 22 232404 Your Excellency, Further to our letters of 7 September and 4 October, […]

Editor still incarcerated
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 letter addressed to President Kabbah expressing the organisation’s concern over the continued detention of Emmanuel Sanossi: **Updates IFEX alerts of 8 September and 3 September 1999** His Excellency President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah Presidential Lodge Hill Station Freetown Sierra Leone FAX: 00 232 22 232404 Your Excellency, […]

ARTICLE 19’s third submission on Independent Media Commission Bill; minister responds to second submission
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) -The following is the third submission by ARTICLE 19 to the Government of Sierra Leone on the Independent Media Commission Bill, and the response of the minister of information, communication, tourism and culture to ARTICLE 19’s second submission: THIRD SUBMISSION BY ARTICLE 19 TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIERRA LEONE ON THE INDEPENDENT MEDIA […]

Discussion on proposed Independent Media Commission Bill continues; minister responds to ARTICLE 19
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is a second ARTICLE 19 submission to the Government of Sierra Leone on the Independent Media Commission Bill, following the response of the minister of information and culture to ARTICLE 19’s first submission: 17 September, 1999 SECOND SUBMISSION BY ARTICLE 19 TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SIERRA LEONE ON THE INDEPENDENT […]