Sierra Leone

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Sierra Leone
252 articles
Link to: Newspaper journalist stabbed to death

Newspaper journalist stabbed to death

Ibrahim Foday’s death may be linked to a series of articles he published on an ongoing land dispute between the towns of Grafton and Kossoh.

Link to: Journalists’ association to sue opposition politician over attacks on two journalists

Journalists’ association to sue opposition politician over attacks on two journalists

The SLAJ has decided to initiate legal action against an opposition presidential aspirant who allegedly masterminded attacks on two “Awareness Times” newspaper journalists.

Link to: Newspaper faces criminal prosecution

Newspaper faces criminal prosecution

Authorities have threatened to prosecute publisher Sylvia Olayinka Blyden over an “Awareness Times” article criticising the president.

Link to: Minister orders arrest of several newspaper journalists

Minister orders arrest of several newspaper journalists

Abdul Rahman Kamara, Razrok Wurie, Sheik Unisa Thoronka and Alfred Koroma have been released on bail.

Link to: Journalist beaten by police, briefly detained

Journalist beaten by police, briefly detained

Kadijatu Savage was reportedly violently beaten and briefly detained before being released the intervention of her managing editor.

Link to: Radio station receives threats

Radio station receives threats

Radio Democracy started receiving anonymous threats when it announced that it would resume broadcasting.

Link to: Court detains journalist for four hours

Court detains journalist for four hours

Arthwah Maddie was detained for erroneously reporting the age of a man jailed for incest.

Link to: Supreme Court dismisses journalists’ association challenge to criminal, seditious libel laws

Supreme Court dismisses journalists’ association challenge to criminal, seditious libel laws

IPI urges the government to ensure libel laws are in line with media freedom standards.

Link to: Ruling party militants violently assault radio journalist

Ruling party militants violently assault radio journalist

Radio Kolenten reporter Gibril Gottor was accused by the militants of “sabotaging” the government.

Link to: New broadcasting law gives president control over state media

New broadcasting law gives president control over state media

The new law seeks to merge Sierra Leone Broadcasting Services with the United Nations Radio set up by the world body during the civil war.

Link to: Journalists’ group declares news blackout on judiciary

Journalists’ group declares news blackout on judiciary

SLAJ imposed a news blackout on the country’s judiciary, as part of its sustained campaign to against the Public Order Act.

Link to: ARTICLE 19 recommends improvements to draft information law

ARTICLE 19 recommends improvements to draft information law

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – 28 May 2009 – ARTICLE 19 has prepared a note on the draft Sierra Leonean Right to Access Information Bill 2008, prepared through a collaborative effort of local NGOs and the authorities. The draft Bill is, for the most part, a progressive piece of legislation which draws on better international and comparative […]

Link to: Newspaper publisher turns herself in to police, bail set at “extortionary” level

Newspaper publisher turns herself in to police, bail set at “extortionary” level

The amount of bail which a Freetown court has set for the release of Sylvia Blyden, the publisher and editor of the independent newspaper “Awareness Times”, is tantamount to judicial extortion, Reporters Without Borders has said.

Link to: Newspaper editor-in-chief threatened, in hiding following publication of article about president

Newspaper editor-in-chief threatened, in hiding following publication of article about president

On 12 May 2009, Sylvia Blyden, publisher and editor-in-chief of the privately-owned “Awareness Times” newspaper, alleged that her life was in danger and has since fled into hiding

Link to: Editor-in-chief violently attacked by ruling-party members

Editor-in-chief violently attacked by ruling-party members

Two men stormed Sitta Turay’s office and accused him of using his newspaper to serve the interest of the opposition by writing articles defaming the image of President Koroma

Link to: Newspaper editor David Jabati physically assaulted

Newspaper editor David Jabati physically assaulted

(MFWA/IFEX) – David Jabati, editor of “The Exclusive”, a Freetown-based independent newspaper, was violently assaulted on 13 March 2008 by angry supporters of the ruling All People’s Congress Party (APC) at the headquarters of the opposition Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP). Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA)’s correspondent reported that Jabtai, who had gone to […]