Authorities seize copies of newspaper, seal printing company’s offices
(Adil Soz/IFEX) – The following is a 28 July 2005 statement by the National Association of Independent Mass Media of Tajikistan (NANSMIT), an Adil Soz partner: On 14 July 2005, tax police officers working together with Ministry of Internal Affairs (MID) officers seized all copies of “Nerui Sukhan” newspaper and sealed the Kaihon printing company’s […]

Journalist sentenced to two years in prison
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ press release: TAJIKISTAN: Journalist sentenced to two years in prison New York, July 29, 2005 – A judge in northern Tajikistan yesterday sentenced independent journalist Jumaboy Tolibov to two years in a prison colony on charges of hooliganism, illegally entering a residence, and abusing his office as a […]

Journalist arrested
(Adil Soz/IFEX) – On 24 April 2005, officers of the Aininsk District Internal Affairs Department arrested Djumaboi Tolibov, a journalist and the head of the legal department of Aininsk district administration (Ispagan village, Aininsk district, Soghdiy region), in Dushanbe. The journalist is still being held in an isolation cell. The journalist was reportedly detained in […]

Judges’ association sues “Varorud” newspaper
(Adil Soz/IFEX) – “Varorud” newspaper is a co-defendant in a civil action brought against it by the Association of Judges of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Sughd Regional Court’s Collegium for Civil Cases began hearings into the case against Faiziniso Vohidova, head of the Center for the Support of Legal and Economic Reforms in Sughd […]

Report on free expression in Tajikistan shows situation worsened for media in 2004
(Adil Soz/IFEX) – The following is an abridged 7 February 2005 press release by the National Association of Independent Mass Media in Tajikistan (NANSMIT), an Adil Soz partner: NANSMIT announces results of freedom of speech monitoring in Tajikistan 7 February 2005 Dushanbe In 2004, the National Association of Independent Mass Media in Tajikistan’s (NANSMIT) monitoring […]

BBC correspondent attacked, independent weekly’s offices sealed as government steps up campaign of press harassment in advance of legislative elections
(RSF/IFEX) – Tajikistan’s journalists and independent media are increasingly being harassed in the approach to the 27 February 2005 legislative elections, RSF warned, pointing to a politician’s aggressive behaviour towards BBC Farsi-language correspondent Iskandar Firuz, and the closure of the independent weekly “Nerui Sukhan” and seizure of its latest issue. Firuz was accosted on 29 […]

Freedom of expression in Tajikistan worsening in run-up to elections
(Adil Soz/IFEX) – The following is a capsule report by the National Association of Independent Mass Media of Tajikistan (NANSMIT), an Adil Soz partner: In the run-up to parliamentary elections, the state of press freedom in Tajikistan has worsened. NANSMIT’s monitoring service has documented 337 violations of journalists’ and media outlet’s freedom of expression. The […]

Concerns raised over delays in resolving broadcast licencing issues
(Adil Soz/IFEX) – The following is a 31 October 2004 statement by the National Association of Independent Mass Media of Tajikistan (NANSMIT), an Adil Soz partner: The National Association of Independent Mass Media of Tajikistan expresses its concern about a long delay in resolving issues related to broadcast licensing. According to the law on amendments […]

CPJ calls for end to intimidation campaign against independent and opposition journalists
(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 31 August 2004 letter to President Imomali Rakhmonov, CPJ expressed great concern about an escalating campaign of intimidation and harassment against independent and opposition journalists in Tajikistan. According to CPJ, the actions are further eroding press conditions at the very moment when Tajik citizens most need a free press, in the […]

Three opposition papers cease publishing after authorities shut down printer
(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has voiced concern at what it calls a “serious deterioration” of press freedom in the run-up to elections as authorities obstructed printing of three independent and opposition newspapers on 18 August 2004. The intervention comes only weeks after a physical attack on one journalist and repeated threats against another. “A full range […]

Threats against journalists increasing in Tajikistan
(Adil Soz/IFEX) – The following is a joint Adil Soz and National Association of Independent Mass Media of Tajikistan (NANSMIT) alert: On 3 August 2004, Mavluda Sultonzoda, a reporter with the independent newspaper “Ruzi Nav” (“New Day”) and a regular contributor to the “Nerui Suhan” (“Power of the Word”) newspaper, received an anonymous threatening phone […]

Editor-in-chief of independent newspaper “Ruzi Nav” brutally assaulted
(Adil Soz/IFEX) – The following is a joint National Association of Independent Mass Media of Tajikistan (NANSMIT) and Adil Soz alert: On 29 July 2004, unidentified individuals assaulted Radzhabi Mirzo, editor-in-chief of the independent newspaper “Ruzi Nav”. The attack took place near Mirzo’s home on Sino avenue in the capital, Dushanbe. The assailants struck the […]

Freedom House calls on Central Asian governments to lift restrictions on press freedom
(Freedom House/IFEX) – The following is a 10 May 2004 Freedom House press release: CENTRAL ASIAN GOVERNMENTS MUST LIFT RESTRICTIONS ON PRESS FREEDOM May 10, 2004, NEW YORK – The continuing infringement on media freedom in Central Asia is one of the major human rights abuses plaguing the region, Freedom House said today. According to […]

Suspects convicted of murdering two journalists
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ press release: TAJIKISTAN: Suspects convicted of murdering two journalists New York, July 29, 2003-Tajikistan’s Supreme Court today convicted two suspects in the murders of Muhiddin Olimpur, head of the BBC’s Persian Service bureau, and Viktor Nikulin, a correspondent with the Russian television network ORT, both of whom were […]

CPJ delegation calls for greater press access and an end to impunity
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 24 July 2003 CPJ press release: CPJ DELEGATION CALLS FOR GREATER PRESS ACCESS AND AN END TO IMPUNITY IN TAJIKISTAN Dushanbe, July 24, 2003-A delegation from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called on the government of Tajikistan to combat the culture of fear and self-censorship lingering from its […]

News website censored
(RSF/IFEX) – On 29 May 2003, RSF called on the Tajik authorities to stop blocking access to a news website, http://www.tajikistantimes.ru, which is run by opposition journalist Dododjon Atovulloev from outside the country. Internet users inside Tajikistan have been unable to access the site since 24 April. Launched on 1 March, the site issues reports […]