Journalist continues hunger strike
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 21 April 2000 CPJ news alert: Tunisia: Journalist Enters 19th Day of Hunger Strike New York, April 21, 2000 – Tunisian journalist Taoufik Ben Brik today entered the 19th day of a hunger strike launched on April 3 to protest the Tunisian government’s ban on his travel outside the […]

Journalist Taoufik Ben Brick’s health deteriorating
The following is a 13 April 2000 RSF press release: Journalist Taoufik Ben Brick’s health deteriorating “Taoufik Ben Brick must end his hunger strike. He has already lost eleven kilos, which is far too much,” stated the doctor who examined the journalist on 12 April. Moncef Marzouki, spokesperson for the National Council for Freedoms in […]

Human Rights Watch condemns closure of publishing house, journalist continues his hunger strike
Tunisia Intensifies Crackdown on Critics, Closes Publishing House (New York, April 12, 2000) Human Rights Watch today strongly condemned the action by Tunisian authorities to close down Editions Aloés, an independent publishing house in Tunis. Police sealed off the organization’s office on the evening of Monday, April 10. Editions Aloés, founded and directed by longtime […]

Police close offices where journalist was carrying out hunger strike
**Updates IFEX alert of 10, 6 and 4 April 2000. For further background information on the Taoufik Ben Brick case, see IFEX alerts of 19 and 8 October, 30 September, 12 July, 27, 25, 20 and 14 May, 28 April, 29 and 13 January 1999 and 24 June 1998** (RSF/IFEX)- In a letter to Prime […]

Journalist Taoufik Ben Brick back in court after a week on hunger strike
**Updates IFEX alert of 6 and 4 April 2000. For further background information on the Taoufik Ben Brick case, see IFEX alerts of 19 and 8 October, 30 September, 12 July, 27, 25, 20 and 14 May, 28 April, 29 and 13 January 1999 and 24 June 1998** (RSF/IFEX) – The following is an RSF […]

Human Rights Watch and CPJ protest ongoing harassment of journalist
**Updates IFEX alert of 4 April 2000. For further background information on the Taoufik Ben Brick case, see IFEX alerts of 19 and 8 October, 30 September, 12 July, 27, 25, 20 and 14 May, 28 April, 29 and 13 January 1999 and 24 June 1998** (HRW/CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a joint 5 April […]

Independent journalist Taoufik Ben Brick begins hunger strike
**For background information on the Taoufik Ben Brick case, see IFEX alerts of 19 and 8 October, 30 September, 12 July, 27, 25, 20 and 14 May, 28 April, 29 and 13 January 1999 and 24 June 1998** (RSF/IFEX) – The following is a 3 April 2000 RSF press release: Independent journalist Taoufik Ben Brick […]

French journalist detained at Tunisian airport
In a letter to Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi, RSF protested the “23 January detention of French journalist Daniel Mermet.” RSF asked the prime minister to “intervene, and ensure that the journalist’s equipment is returned to him as soon as possible, in order to permit free dissemination of the information. This right is guaranteed by Article […]

Journalist Sihem Ben Sedrine Under Threat
(WiPC/IFEX) – Amnesty International has issued an alert expressing concern for the safety of journalist Sihem Ben Sedrine. The offices of her publishing house, Edition Aloes, have been burgled twice in the past month and her employees have been threatened by members of the security forces. International PEN shares this concern and appeals to the […]

French daily “Le Monde” barred since 21 October 1999
(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Tunisian Prime Minister Hamed Karaoui, RSF has protested the suspension of distribution of the French daily “Le Monde”, in Tunisia. RSF asked the prime minister to “lift this restrictive measure” and to “allow the free flow of information, as guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, […]

Media serve the purposes of candidate Ben Ali almost exclusively in presidential election campaign
(RSF/IFEX) – The following is an 18 October 1999 RSF press release: **For background on the Taoufik Ben Brick case, see IFEX alerts of 8 October, 30 September, 12 July, 27, 25, 20 and 14 May, 28 April, 29 and 13 January 1999 and 24 June 1998** Presidential election campaign in Tunisia: Media serve the […]

Tunisian journalist speaks out on CPJ website
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ press release: **For background on the Ben Brik case, see IFEX alerts of 30 September, 12 July, 27 May, 25 May, 20 May, 14 May, 28 April, 29 January and 13 January 1999 and 24 June 1998** TUNISIAN JOURNALIST SPEAKS OUT ON CPJ WEBSITE October 7, 1999 — […]

Continued police pressure against independent journalist
(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Tunisian Prime Minister Hamed Karaoui, RSF has expressed its concern about the case of Taoufik Ben Brick, a correspondent in Tunis with the French daily “La Croix” and the French press agency SYFIA, who is the victim of harassment by the police. In the past several months, Ben Brick […]

RSF report on press freedom situation in Tunisia
(RSF/IFEX) – The following is an RSF report reviewing the current state of press freedom in Tunisia: Tunisia – “Silence, we’re gagging the press” Censorship: a keystone of the Ben Ali regime Since the ousting of president Habib Bourguiba by Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali on November 7, 1987, the regime has sought to control the […]

New RSF report: “Silence, we’re gagging the press”
(RSF/IFEX) – The following is an RSF press release: Monday July 12, 1999 For immediate release Tunisia “Silence, we’re gagging the press” After a mission to Tunis from 14-19 June 1999, Reporters sans Frontières has produced a report on the state of press freedom in Tunisia: “Silence, we’re gagging the press”. Since he came to […]

Charges levelled against human rights campaigners
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – According to information received by ARTICLE 19 from the Arab Program for Human Rights and Amnesty International, Omer Al Mistiri, general secretary of the National Council for Liberties in Tunisia (CNLT), and Moncef Marzouki, former president of the Tunisian Human Rights League (LTDH), have been charged with the following: a. being members […]