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59 articles
Link to: IFJ calls for detained journalists’ immediate release

IFJ calls for detained journalists’ immediate release

(IFJ/IFEX) – The following is an IFJ media release: IFJ Calls for Immediate Release of Detained Turkmen Journalists The International Federation of Journalists today expressed concern about the fate of two Turkmen journalists working for Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty who have been arrested in mysterious circumstances and called for their immediate release. Meret Khommadov […]

Link to: IFLA/FAIFE alarmed over closure of libraries

IFLA/FAIFE alarmed over closure of libraries

(IFLA/FAIFE/IFEX) – The following is an IFLA/FAIFE media release: IFLA protests closure of libraries and violations of human rights in Turkmenistan The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) strongly protests the closure of libraries in Turkmenistan and its impact on freedom of access to information and freedom of expression in the country. While […]

Link to: Russian journalist expelled

Russian journalist expelled

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has voiced outrage over Turkmen authorities’ treatment of journalist Viktor Panov, who was deported on 12 March 2005 after being held for two weeks in Ashgabat. A Foreign Ministry official who did not want to be identified said Panov, who works for the Russian news agency RIA-Novosti, was accused of spying for […]

Link to: Freedom House calls on Central Asian governments to lift restrictions on press freedom

Freedom House calls on Central Asian governments to lift restrictions on press freedom

(Freedom House/IFEX) – The following is a 10 May 2004 Freedom House press release: CENTRAL ASIAN GOVERNMENTS MUST LIFT RESTRICTIONS ON PRESS FREEDOM May 10, 2004, NEW YORK – The continuing infringement on media freedom in Central Asia is one of the major human rights abuses plaguing the region, Freedom House said today. According to […]

Link to: Moscow correspondent for Radio Free Europe’s Turkmen service attacked

Moscow correspondent for Radio Free Europe’s Turkmen service attacked

(RSF/IFEX) – Mukhamed Berdiyev, Moscow correspondent for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s (RFE/RL) Turkmen service, was beaten up by thugs at his home on 30 April 2004. The journalist lay badly injured in his apartment for three days without being able to call for help. He suffered injuries to his head, eyes and ribs. “As several […]

Link to: RFE/RL correspondents released from prison and warned to stop reporting for radio station

RFE/RL correspondents released from prison and warned to stop reporting for radio station

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 24 March 2004 CPJ press release: TURKMENISTAN: RFE/RL correspondents are released from prison Journalists are warned to stop contributing to the radio station New York, March 24, 2004-Rakhim Esenov and Ashyrguly Bayryev, freelancers for the Turkmen Service of the Prague-based, U.S.-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), who were detained […]

Link to: CPJ concerned about RFE/RL journalists

CPJ concerned about RFE/RL journalists

(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 5 March 2004 letter to President Saparmurat Niyazov, CPJ expressed great concern about escalating government persecution of Turkmen journalists working for the United States government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL). On 23 February 2004, agents from the National Security Ministry (MNB) questioned RFE/RL freelancer Rakhim Esenov and accused him of smuggling […]

Link to: Two Radio Free Europe journalists arrested

Two Radio Free Europe journalists arrested

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has called for the release of two Radio Free Europe (RFE) journalists and writers, Rakhim Esenov and Ashyrguly Bayryev, who were arrested by National Security Ministry (NSM) agents on 26 February and 1 March 2004, respectively. It is feared they could be tortured or mistreated in detention. In a letter to President […]

Link to: Authorities persecute Radio Liberty correspondent

Authorities persecute Radio Liberty correspondent

(RSF/IFEX) – RSF has called on the authorities to cease their harassment of Saparmurat Ovezberdiev, a correspondent for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Turkmen-language service in Ashgabat. The journalist has been tailed, beaten up, drugged and illegally detained by police over the past few months. The organisation wrote to Turkmen President Saparmurat Nyazov, urging him to […]

Link to: Journalist imprisoned

Journalist imprisoned

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Turkmen President Saparmurat Niyazov, RSF protested the arrest and imprisonment of journalist Nikolai Nikolaevich Gherasimov. RSF asked to be kept informed of the reasons behind the journalist’s incarceration. “We emphatically protest Gherasimov’s incarceration, and remind you that the sentencing of a journalist to a prison term runs counter to […]

Link to: Internet service providers’ licences revoked

Internet service providers’ licences revoked

(JuHI/IFEX) – The following is a JuHI statement seeking international support for Internet freedom in Turkmenistan. It is followed by a press release which includes a description of the current situation and an appeal for assistance (see annex below): Dear Sir/Madam, The Journalists’ Trade Union (JuHI) in Azerbaijan is deeply concerned by the revocation of […]

Link to: Freedom of expression still lagging in Turkmenistan

Freedom of expression still lagging in Turkmenistan

(GDF/IFEX) – The following is a 25 January 1999 GDF letter to Turkmenistan President S. Niyazov regarding a number of freedom of expression abuses: 25 January, 1999 Moscow S. Niyazov, President of the Republic of Turkmenistan Mr. President, We are obliged once again to appeal to you regarding a new incident connected with a violation […]

Link to: Letter to Clinton on media violations in Turkmenistan

Letter to Clinton on media violations in Turkmenistan

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ wishes to use the occasion of President Clinton’s upcoming talks with President Saparmurad Niyazov to focus attention on the repressive media conditions in Turkmenistan. CPJ is greatly alarmed by the total state control of the media in Turkmenistan, the lack of an independent press or any alternative reporting and a general climate […]