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366 articles
Link to: Human rights newspaper banned

Human rights newspaper banned

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Minister of Information Alawadi Hussein, RSF protested the ban on a human rights monthly. RSF Secretary-General Robert Ménard asked the minister to “reconsider his decision.” RSF noted that, on 25 April 2001 in Geneva, the United Nations Commission for Human Rights adopted a resolution noting with “deep concern” the […]

Link to: Journalist suspended for ten months

Journalist suspended for ten months

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Justice Minister Ismaïl Ahmed El Ouazir, RSF protested “the suspension of Saif Haderi, owner and editor-in-chief of the weekly ‘Al-Choumou’, from practising his profession for a period of ten months”. RSF asked the minister “to do everything in his power to ensure the annulment of the sentence”. In February […]

Link to: Editor of independent newspaper faces three year jail sentence

Editor of independent newspaper faces three year jail sentence

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Justice Minister Ismail Ahmed El Ouazir, RSF asked him to do everything in his power to have the charges against Hisham Basharahil, editor-in-chief of “Al Ayyam”, dropped and to put an end to “this campaign against one of the representatives of the independent press”. The organisation recalled that at […]

Link to: Yemeni editor charged with instigating “sectarian feuds”

Yemeni editor charged with instigating “sectarian feuds”

**Updates IFEX alerts of 11 May and 10 March 2000** (CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 15 May 2000 CPJ press release: Yemeni Editor Charged With Instigating “Sectarian Feuds” New York, May 15, 2000 — The editor of a leading Yemeni newspaper has been charged for the second time in a week with violating tough […]

Link to: CPJ condemns prosecution of editor

CPJ condemns prosecution of editor

(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 10 May 2000 letter to President Ali Abdullah Saleh, CPJ strongly protested the prosecution of Hisham Basharaheel, the editor in chief and publisher of the independent thrice-weekly newspaper “Al-Ayyam”. In a hearing on the morning of 10 May at the Seera Court of First Instance, Basharaheel was charged with a multitude […]

Link to: President Clinton urged to raise press freedom concerns with Yemeni leader

President Clinton urged to raise press freedom concerns with Yemeni leader

The following is a 3 April 2000 CPJ press release: CPJ Urges President Clinton to Raise Press Freedom Concerns with Yemeni Leader New York, April 3, 2000 – The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) urges U.S. president Bill Clinton to put press freedom high on the agenda for his meeting with Yemeni president Ali Abdullah […]

Link to: RSF condemns threats against opposition weekly; journalist’s lifetime banishment annulled

RSF condemns threats against opposition weekly; journalist’s lifetime banishment annulled

**Updates IFEX alerts of 8 March and 24 February 2000** (RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to President Ali Abdallah Saleh, RSF protested “the legal action against the opposition weekly ‘Al Ayyam’”. RSF asked the president to “do everything possible to end this campaign against a representative of the opposition press”. The organisation recalled that in […]

Link to: Ministry of Information files complaint against newspaper

Ministry of Information files complaint against newspaper

**For information on other legal actions against “Al Ayyam” newspaper, see IFEX alerts of 21 September, 5 August, 15 July, 18 May and 3 April 1999** (IFJ/IFEX) – The IFJ is concerned over the current legal proceedings against “Al Ayyam” newspaper. According to the IFJ’s information, “Al Ayyam” was called before the Media Prosecutor on […]

Link to: CPJ condemns newspaper suspension, banishment of journalist

CPJ condemns newspaper suspension, banishment of journalist

**Updates previous IFEX alert of 24 February 2000** (CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is protesting the 22 February 2000 suspension of the opposition weekly newspaper “Al-Wahdawi” and the banishment of Jamal Amer, the paper’s columnist and editor, from the journalistic profession. On Tuesday 22 February, a Sanaa court ordered the thirty-day suspension of “Al-Wahdawi” and permanently banned […]

Link to: Journalist served lifetime ban

Journalist served lifetime ban

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to President Ali Abdallah Saleh, RSF protested the “lifetime ban on Jamal Amer, a journalist with ‘Al Wahdawi’”. RSF asked the president to “do everything possible to quash this sentence”. To the best of the organisation’s knowledge, it is the first time that a journalist in Yemen has received such […]

Link to: CPJ protests suspension of newspaper

CPJ protests suspension of newspaper

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is strongly protesting the closure of the opposition weekly newspaper “Al-Haq”. **Updates IFEX alert of 12 October 1999** On 7 October 1999, a Yemeni court ordered the one month suspension of “Al-Haq” for allegedly inciting “sectarianism” and “regionalism” in opinion columns published in the newspaper in 1997 and 1999. The offending articles, […]

Link to: Newspaper suspended for one month

Newspaper suspended for one month

(RSF/IFEX) – In an 11 October 1999 letter to Prime Minister Abdul Karim al-Iryani, RSF condemned the month-long closure of the opposition weekly “Al-Haq”. RSF stated that “this suspension is a blatant violation of press freedom and constitutes a form of harassment of the press, the aim of which is to force journalists into self-censorship.” […]

Link to: CPJ protests harassment of newspaper, censorship

CPJ protests harassment of newspaper, censorship

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ has expressed its deep concern about continuing state restrictions on the press in Yemen. CPJ is particularly dismayed by the authorities’ ongoing harassment of the thrice-weekly newspaper “Al-Ayyam” and the closure of the opposition weekly “Al-Shoura”. CPJ has called on President Saleh to assume a leadership role to help reverse state restrictions […]

Link to: CPJ protests conviction of “Al-Ayyam” journalists

CPJ protests conviction of “Al-Ayyam” journalists

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is expressing its deep concern about the convictions handed down on the morning of 4 August 1999 by the Seera Court of First Instance against Hisham Basharaheel, editor of the thrice-weekly newspaper “Al-Ayyam”, and Ali Haitham Ghareeb, a reporter with the paper. **Updates IFEX alerts of 15 July, 18 May and 4 […]

Link to: CPJ calls for end of press harassment in Yemen

CPJ calls for end of press harassment in Yemen

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ press release: **Updates IFEX alert of 18 May 1999** Terry Anderson Calls for End of Press Harassment in Yemen, Raises Issue of Court Cases in Meeting with Prime Minister Sanaa’, Yemen, July 15, 1999 – In a meeting today with press freedom advocate Terry Anderson, Yemen’s prime minister […]

Link to: CPJ condemns Yemen’s clampdown on the press

CPJ condemns Yemen’s clampdown on the press

(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a 17 May 1999 CPJ press release: **Updates IFEX alerts of 17 May, 14 May and 4 March 1999** For Immediate Release CPJ Condemns Yemen’s Clampdown on the Press Letter to President Saleh Urges End to Arrests and Legal Harassment of Journalists New York, N.Y., May 17, 1999-The Committee to […]