7amleh – Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media

Articles by 7amleh – Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media

How the COVID-19 pandemic is threatening Palestinian digital rights

According to the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media – 7amleh – Palestinian digital rights, privacy, and online freedom of expression are being targetted by emergency legislation amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Censored broadcast: Are YouTube’s policies discriminating against Palestinians?

New research from the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media – 7amleh – examines how YouTube policies and practices are censoring Palestinians’ digital content and violating their digital rights.

The harrowing state of Palestinian digital rights

From increased surveillance technologies to gender based online violence, a new report from The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media – 7amleh – sheds light on how a rise in digital rights violations against Palestinians is impacting their rights to privacy, assembly, and freedom of expression.

On Israeli social networks, racism against Arabs and Palestinians is on the rise

In 2019, one violent post against Arabs and Palestinians was published on Israeli social networks every 64 seconds. New research from the Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media (7amleh) examines how Israeli elections contributed to the rise in violent discourse.

Cybercrime laws are restricting online freedoms

How a proposed new international convention on cybercrime poses a threat to human rights online; 7amleh in Palestine, and other network members sign an open letter to the UN General Assembly.

Silence of the Networks: Young Palestinians targeted for their online commentary

New research from 7amleh shows two-thirds of Palestinian youth are afraid to express their political opinions online.

A road sign points towards an Airbnb apartment, near the Jewish settlement of Shilo and the Palestinian village of Qusra in the occupied West Bank, 20 November 2018; Booking.com was urged to follow the example of Airbnb and withdraw listings for rentals located in settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images

“Hashtag Palestine 2018”, a new report on Palestinian digital rights

In 2018, Israeli authorities arrested around 350 Palestinians on charges of “incitement” because of their online activities.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C-R) and MPs take part in a Knesset (parliament) session in Jerusalem, 26 December 2018, MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images

Index of racism and incitement in Israeli social media 2018

The most hate and racism in 2018 was directed at Palestinian members of the Israeli Knesset and their political parties in Israel during the discussions and passing of the Nation-State Law, which gives rights to only Jewish citizens.