Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC)

Articles by Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC)

AFJC: Annual report on media freedom in Afghanistan

The report documents at least 139 violations of media and journalists’ rights, including 80 threats and 59 arrests.

Afghanistan: Ministry of Information and Culture urged to respect media freedom in the use of official languages

The Afghanistan Journalists Center said that the media should be free to use the national and official languages or the native languages of the country.

AFJC releases 2023 annual report on media freedom in Afghanistan

The annual report documents at least 168 instances of violations of journalists’ rights in 2023.

Afghanistan: “Radio Nasim” manager sentenced to one year in prison

According to some sources, Sultan Ali Jawadi was found guilty of “propaganda against the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” and “espionage for foreign countries.”

Afghanistan: AFJC report highlights growing threats to media freedom

The Afghanistan Journalists Center documented a total of 75 incidents violating media freedom from March to November this year.

Afghan-French journalist Mortaza Behboudi released after 284 days of imprisonment in Kabul

He was arrested and accused of espionage on 7 January while seeking to obtain his work credentials from the Taliban.

The Taliban’s 13 directives: Implications for media freedom and access to information in Afghanistan

Since August 2021, the Taliban has issued at least 13 directives, which contradicted former media laws.

Afghanistan: Two more journalists detained, marking five detentions in one week

The new detentions bring the total number of journalists held this week to five. Currently, at least nine journalists are in custody in the country.