Articles by Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC)

AFJC calls for the release of Afghan-French journalist Mortaza Behboudi
Afghan-French reporter Mortaza Behboudi was arrested on 7 January

Afghanistan: AFJC calls for the release of two journalists held in Jalalabad and Khost
Authorities have not explained why journalist Khairullah Parhar has been detained or where he was taken.

Afghanistan: AFJC recorded 260 violations of media freedom in 2022
The report indicates that over half of Afghanistan’s 600 active media outlets have ceased operations and hundreds of journalists and media workers have left the country since the Taliban took power.

Afghanistan: AFJC condemns the torture of a journalist in Takhar province
Zabihullah Noori, a journalist for ‘Takharistan Radio’, was arrested by authorities on 9 December “on charges of being a journalist”.

Taliban shuts down two news websites in Afghanistan
Taliban authorities in Afghanistan ordered the closure of the websites of Hasht-e-Subh (8am) newspaper and Zawia News for allegedly “spreading false propaganda”.

Afghanistan: AFJC welcomes the release of journalist Abdulhannan Mohammadi after four months in jail
Afghanistan Journalists Center said that journalist Abdul Hannan Mohammadi of Pajhwok Afghan News should not have been arrested in the first place because he was simply doing his job.

Afghanistan: 245 cases of media violations in first year of Taliban rule
A new report by the Afghanistan Journalists Center shows that over half of 600 media outlets, including radio and television, print and online, have ceased operations, and over 60% of journalists and media employees have been unable to work since the Taliban took power.

Self-exiled Afghan journalists left in the lurch in Pakistan
Afghanistan Journalists Center continues to urge the international community to support the safe resettlement of at-risk Afghan journalists and media workers.