Articles by Aliansi Jurnalis Independen/Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI)
Indonesian Constitutional Court: ‘Fake news’ and defamation articles in the Criminal Code are unconstitutional
Petitioners argued that the articles mentioned in the ruling have been misused to criminalize the work of human rights activists, journalists, and state critics.
Indonesia: Highest number of press freedom attacks in a decade
Most cases of violence against journalists are not seriously investigated, which reinforces impunity and eventually leads to new violence.
Global Coalition urges Indonesia to uphold freedom of expression in ITE law reform
The Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE Law), known for stifling freedom of expression and suppressing human rights defenders, requires immediate attention and rectification.
Indonesia: Court urged to conduct judicial review of laws on ‘fake news’ and defamation
Aliansi Jurnalis Independen Indonesia, one of the petitioners, said that journalists have been charged under these “catch-all” laws.
Southeast Asia media groups condemn red-tagging attacks on Filipino journalists
Press freedom groups in Southeast Asia have issued a statement condemning the red-tagging attacks against members of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines.
Indonesia: Protection of civic space remains in question despite UPR recommendations
Amnesty International Indonesia and the Alliance of Independent Journalists urged the government to uphold its human rights commitments and reverse the shrinking civic space in the country.
Indonesia: Sexual violence against female journalists
A new survey showed that Indonesian female journalists have experienced various forms of sexual violence in the workplace and in the course of fulfilling their duties in the field.
Cambodia: Media and civil society groups condemn government’s decision to revoke VOD’s media license
Media and civil society groups have criticized the government’s revocation of the media license of Voice of Democracy (VOD), one of the last remaining independent media outlets in Cambodia.