Articles by ARTICLE 19

Link to: Forty-four IFEX members and partners call proposed cyber crimes law a setback to free speech

Forty-four IFEX members and partners call proposed cyber crimes law a setback to free speech

An open letter by 44 organisations calls Iraq’s proposed Information Technology Crimes law a threat to the fundamental freedoms necessary for the evolution of free speech and a vibrant press. The law will come to vote in the Iraqi Council of Representatives in April.

Link to: Internet regulation reform vital, says ARTICLE 19

Internet regulation reform vital, says ARTICLE 19

While the Internet may be partly free in practice since the ousting of President Ben Ali, the repressive laws that formed part of the censorship apparatus of his government remain. There is therefore a real danger that free speech on the Internet may be stifled again as long as they are still on the statute book.

Link to: Protecting free expression and free information in the new Constitution

Protecting free expression and free information in the new Constitution

ARTICLE 19 hopes that international and regional standards and comparative examples indicating the best practices of states on the protection of the right to freedom of expression and freedom of information will provide a useful source of reference for drafters of the new Tunisian Constitution.

Link to: Draft Communications Act good, but needs wider consultation, says ARTICLE 19

Draft Communications Act good, but needs wider consultation, says ARTICLE 19

The legislation is intended to lay the groundwork for regulation of the telecommunications industry and broadcasting sector in Somalia.

Link to: ARTICLE 19 welcomes UK Court of Appeal Decision on open justice

ARTICLE 19 welcomes UK Court of Appeal Decision on open justice

ARTICLE 19 welcomes UK Court of Appeal Decision on open justice _In a ruling released 3 April, the UK Court of Appeal reaffirmed that open justice – the right of the public and media to attend court hearings – is a fundamental constitutional principle, expanding it to include the right of the public to obtain […]

Link to: Global coalition of NGOs calls for official withdrawal of censorship plans

Global coalition of NGOs calls for official withdrawal of censorship plans

A letter by the coalition comes as a follow up to a verbal commitment by the Secretary IT that the plan for a national URL filtering and blocking system, announced earlier this year, has been withdrawn.

Link to: Role of freedom of expression in democratisation processes: an ARTICLE 19 presentation

Role of freedom of expression in democratisation processes: an ARTICLE 19 presentation

During a conference on media development, ARTICLE 19’s executive director spoke about the place of freedom of expression / media laws and legal reforms in the country’s democratisation process.

Link to: Freedom of expression situation is “alarming”, say international rights organisations

Freedom of expression situation is “alarming”, say international rights organisations

Azerbaijan’s appalling free-expression record is of international concern because the country is hosting the 2012 Eurovision Song Contest and the Internet Governance Forum.