Articles by ARTICLE 19

Link to: Arrests, intimidation of displaced activists continue

Arrests, intimidation of displaced activists continue

Activists working on behalf of the Borei Keila and Boeung Kak communities face police brutality, imprisonment, telephone threats, surveillance, legal charges, as well as threats to their families.

Link to: Senate must reject Armenian Genocide law, says ARTICLE 19

Senate must reject Armenian Genocide law, says ARTICLE 19

The adoption of a law criminalising any denial of the 1915 Armenian genocide would be in conflict with France’s obligation to respect the right to freedom of expression under international law.

Link to: Political satirist takes government to court over “Cartoon-O-Phobia”

Political satirist takes government to court over “Cartoon-O-Phobia”

Zunar (née Zulkifli Anwar Ulhaque) appeared at the Kuala Lumpur High Court today for the first hearing of a civil suit brought by himself against the government and the police, in which he challenges them for his wrongful arrest and detention in September 2010.

Link to: IFEX-TMG calls for recent public media appointments to be revoked and for journalists’ protection

IFEX-TMG calls for recent public media appointments to be revoked and for journalists’ protection

On the anniversary of the revolution, IFEX-TMG urges the Tunisian government to revoke controversial appointments giving media personnel close to the deposed President key posts in the public service media, and further calls for an end to attacks on journalists.

Link to: Media independence crucial to democratic transition, says ARTICLE 19

Media independence crucial to democratic transition, says ARTICLE 19

The announcement made by Interim Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali to appoint editors-in-chief and managing directors of media goes against international obligations of the Tunisian Government to provide for media independence.

Link to: IFEX-TMG concerned by attacks on journalists and academics

IFEX-TMG concerned by attacks on journalists and academics

IFEX-TMG calls on authorities to do more to stop attacks on freedom of expression.

Link to: Proposed media law fails to safeguard free press

Proposed media law fails to safeguard free press

ARTICLE 19 welcomes several improvements in the draft, but calls on the government to bring the law into full compliance with international legal standards on the right to freedom of expression.

Link to: Media authority refuses to renew radio station’s licence

Media authority refuses to renew radio station’s licence

Klubrádió’s prospective closure means the silencing of Hungary’s only remaining independent radio station and a significant blow to media pluralism in the country, says ARTICLE 19.