Articles by ARTICLE 19

Malaysia: Government continues to fall short on its human rights protections

The Malaysian government is urged to reverse its systematic abuses and restrictive policies to be a credible and effective champion of human rights at the Human Rights Council.

Iran: Human rights groups sound alarm against draconian Internet Bill

IFEX joins 55 rights groups in calling on Iranian authorities to withdraw a bill that would violate the right to freedom of expression and right to privacy for Internet users in Iran.

The Safety of Women Journalists: A new advocacy tool from ARTICLE 19 and IFEX

Today ARTICLE 19 and IFEX launch the first in a series of #JournoSafe AdvoSheets, comprehensive but easy-to-use advocacy tools for media freedom and safety of journalists advocates.

Cambodia: ‘Government must restore fundamental freedoms’

In a joint submission to the UN Human Rights Committee, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights and ARTICLE 19 highlight the declining situation for freedom of expression, information, and assembly in Cambodia.

Malta: Implementation of Public Inquiry recommendations must meet international standards

“We have been concerned by a lack of transparent consultation with civil society and key stakeholders in this process to date. We urge the Prime Minister to engage in meaningful and transparent consultation going forward, in particular through publishing proposed legislation relating to media freedom.”

Thailand: The Draft Act on the Operations of Not-for-Profit Organizations causes alarm

Civil society groups have sent a letter to the government of Thailand expressing concern regarding the Draft Act on the Operations of Not-for Profit Organizations B.E… (‘Draft Act’) for containing provisions that could potentially curtail the rights to freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly and other human rights.

Vietnam: Campaign against independent voices barrels forward

ARTICLE 19 said Vietnamese authorities regularly use the Penal Code to punish human rights defenders, independent journalists and writers, and others exercising their right to freedom of expression.

Why the right to protest matters

We live in an age of retreat from the duty to facilitate our right to protest. Even in liberal democracies, where civil liberties have been won through protest movements, there is a backlash.