Articles by ARTICLE 19

Iran: Near total Internet shutdown in Khuzestan amidst food protests

Protests against rising food prices have been met with tear gas, arbitrary detentions, and Internet shutdowns and disruptions that suggest authorities made preparations in advance to stifle expression.

Malaysia: End hateful rhetoric against Rohingya refugees

The escape of 528 detainees raises serious concerns about conditions in immigration detention centres and the ability of Rohingya refugees to effectively raise concerns about these conditions.

Deceit, denials, delays: How Iran keeps its public in the dark

New report examines how Iranian authorities systematically violate people’s right to protest and assemble, deceive and lie about the violations they commit, and unlawfully keep people seeking transparency and accountability in the dark.

Women seizing the word: The participation of women writers in Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua

The report provides insights into the patterns of systemic discrimination which marginalise women, and remain deeply entrenched in both the publishing industry and the protocols of literary awards in five Latin American countries.

Guidelines on an intersectional gender approach to protecting women journalists

ARTICLE 19 has launched three practical guidelines on how an intersectional gender approach can enhance the safety of all women journalists – and how civil society organisations can mainstream this into their work.

Malaysia: Government continues to fall short on its human rights protections

The Malaysian government is urged to reverse its systematic abuses and restrictive policies to be a credible and effective champion of human rights at the Human Rights Council.

Iran: Human rights groups sound alarm against draconian Internet Bill

IFEX joins 55 rights groups in calling on Iranian authorities to withdraw a bill that would violate the right to freedom of expression and right to privacy for Internet users in Iran.

The Safety of Women Journalists: A new advocacy tool from ARTICLE 19 and IFEX

Today ARTICLE 19 and IFEX launch the first in a series of #JournoSafe AdvoSheets, comprehensive but easy-to-use advocacy tools for media freedom and safety of journalists advocates.