Articles by ARTICLE 19

Link to: ARTICLE 19/CENCOS 2010 report: “Violence and Press Freedom in Mexico: Still in the Line of Fire”

ARTICLE 19/CENCOS 2010 report: “Violence and Press Freedom in Mexico: Still in the Line of Fire”

The report highlights yet again an appalling level of violence and attacks perpetrated against journalists and media workers over 2010, along with a marked increase in self-censorship on the part of journalists and editors.

World Press Freedom Day: No Frontiers, New Barriers

Many governments, are trying hard to restore or fortify barriers to trace, block, target and censor those who champion the truth, ARTICLE 19 said.

Link to: Journalists, cyber activists in the line of fire

Journalists, cyber activists in the line of fire

There have been widespread allegations of human rights violations and disappearances during the pro-democracy protests, and many journalists, human rights defenders, bloggers and cyber activists have been detained in a number of countries, including in Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and Syria.

Link to: Power plant construction in Amazon violates freedom of expression and information of affected communities, says ARTICLE 19

Power plant construction in Amazon violates freedom of expression and information of affected communities, says ARTICLE 19

The government is urged to enter into a good faith dialogue and consultation with the communities that will be affected by the Belo Monte Power Plant and to uphold their right to receive information and freely form their opinions about the project.

Link to: “Fifty Fatullayevs” outside London Embassy demand release of jailed Azerbaijani journalist

“Fifty Fatullayevs” outside London Embassy demand release of jailed Azerbaijani journalist

Protesters wearing masks bearing the face of jailed journalist Eynulla Fatullayev will stage a protest outside the Azerbaijani Embassy on Wednesday 20 April 2011.

Link to: IFEX-TMG mission to Tunisia observes freedom of expression post 14 January

IFEX-TMG mission to Tunisia observes freedom of expression post 14 January

In its seventh formal mission to Tunisia, and the second visit since deposed President Zine El Abedine Ben Ali fled the country, an IFEX-TMG delegation spent over a week meeting a wide range of stakeholders as part of the ongoing assessment of the state of freedom of expression in the country.

Link to: PACE urged to take action to address alarming freedom of expression situation

PACE urged to take action to address alarming freedom of expression situation

In the weeks leading up to the 11-15 April Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe session, the authorities have engaged in a crackdown on freedom of expression in the country.

Link to: ARTICLE 19 Artist Alert: March 2011

ARTICLE 19 Artist Alert: March 2011

The March alert features cases from Tunisia, Pakistan, China and United Arab Emirates, among others.