Articles by ARTICLE 19

Link to: Twenty-four IFEX members express concern about proposed law that threatens media freedom

Twenty-four IFEX members express concern about proposed law that threatens media freedom

In an open letter to the president of the legislative assembly, 24 IFEX members express concern over two articles in the proposed Law against Racism and All Forms of Discrimination.

Link to: ARTICLE 19 calls on ASEM leaders to respect and realise the right to information

ARTICLE 19 calls on ASEM leaders to respect and realise the right to information

ARTICLE 19 and other right to information advocates recommend leaders adopt policies and measures to respect and realise full transparency and the right to information.

Link to: ARTICLE 19 calls on parliament to adopt Law on Access to Public Information

ARTICLE 19 calls on parliament to adopt Law on Access to Public Information

Kazakhstan is one of the few member states of the OSCE without an access to information law, according to ARTICLE 19.

Link to: New report highlights systematic erosion of freedom of expression

New report highlights systematic erosion of freedom of expression

ARTICLE 19, CCHR and 15 other Cambodian and international organisations are launching a new report, titled “Cambodia Gagged: Democracy at Risk?”.

Link to: Thirty-three IFEX members condemn excessive prison sentence handed down to blogger Hossein Derakhshan

Thirty-three IFEX members condemn excessive prison sentence handed down to blogger Hossein Derakhshan

IFEX members condemned the 19-and-a-half-year prison sentence given to the Canadian-Iranian blogger and called for his immediate release.

Link to: Ten IFEX members and other organisations issue statement regarding dire press freedom situation in Mexico

Ten IFEX members and other organisations issue statement regarding dire press freedom situation in Mexico

The groups agreed there is a need for freedom of expression and journalists’ organisations to continue and add to measures that promote and support the right of journalists and media outlets to carry out their work.

Link to: ARTICLE 19 and Information Commission train public officials to provide information

ARTICLE 19 and Information Commission train public officials to provide information

ARTICLE 19 Bangladesh in collaboration with the Information Commission have conducted the first ever training for public officials responsible for providing information under the 2009 Right to Information Act.

Link to: Five billion now have right to information

Five billion now have right to information

The last year has seen many advances and some setbacks to the right to information, says ARTICLE 19.