Articles by ARTICLE 19

HRC45: New UN resolution on the safety of journalists

ARTICLE 19 expresses support for a new resolution on the safety of journalists adopted by consensus at the UN Human Rights Council, signalling strong international commitment to end all attacks, reprisals and violence against journalists worldwide.

Deterioration of human rights in Cambodia amid COVID-19

ARTICLE 19 and the Cambodian Center for Human Rights’ full statement during the interactive dialogue on Cambodia at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council.

Repression of free expression in Turkey continues amid adoption of UPR

“While we welcome Turkey’s acceptance of a number of recommendations on safeguarding freedom of expression, Turkey’s response to its UPR, as well as its continued efforts to suppress free expression since its review, reinforces our serious doubts over its commitment to fulfilling its human rights obligations.”

Tackling gender inequality through access to information

“An access to information approach to gender equality and women’s empowerment means ensuring women are able to access information to make informed choices on elements of their lives, push their governments and other power holders to guarantee their rights”.

Repression of free speech ahead of elections in Myanmar

ARTICLE 19’s full statement during the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar at the 45th Session of the Human Rights Council.

US: Open letter opposing the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Internet Technologies Act of 2020

In the open letter organisations called for the US Senate to object to any motion for unanimous consent to place the bill on the Senate floor and to vote ‘no’ on passage of the bill in its current form.

Human rights website blocked by Myanmar authorities for alleged ‘fake news’

Telecommunications operators were directed by authorities to block the ‘Justice for Myanmar’ website, which was launched early this year and published stories exposing alleged corruption in the military.

Iran: Rising worry over the future of Internet access

With Iranian authorities having repeatedly shut down the Internet during protests, the development of a national internet infrastructure has led to heightened concerns over the government’s growing capacity to cut off access to global communications.