Articles by ARTICLE 19
Call for consultation of Truth Commission legislation
25 January 2000 – for immediate release “STITCH-UP” WARNING ON SIERRA LEONE TRUTH COMMISSION BILL ARTICLE 19 today called upon the Government of Sierra Leone to allow time for extensive public consultations on legislation which will establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The international rights organisation cautioned the government against an excessive rush to […]
Right to know conference in Oxford
Who has the right to know? Should the internet be regulated? Can official secrets be justified in the name of national security? How does the UK’s freedom of information policy measure up? These are just a few of the issues to be discussed at ‘The Right to Know’, an international seminar organised by the British […]
ARTICLE 19 protests charges of sedition, harassment of non-governmental media
The following is an ARTICLE 19 letter to the Malaysian prime minister: His Excellency Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahatir Mohamad Prime Minister Jabatan Perdana Menteri Kuala Lumpur 50502 Malaysia By fax: 00 60 3 238 3784 21 January 2000 Your Excellency ARTICLE 19, the International Centre Against Censorship, is extremely concerned by the recent charges of […]
Police raid on journalists’ centre raises fears for Nigerian freedoms
The invasion of the International Press Centre (IPC)1, Lagos, yesterday by more than 50 police, some armed, has been condemned by journalists and human rights workers alike. The police threatened to shoot at sight before arresting or harassing everyone they met. A number of people, including four journalists, were taken away by the police squad, […]
Independent media editors accused of “conspiracy”
The following is an ARTICLE 19 letter to the Sri Lankan media minister, expressing concern about published accusations of “conspiracy” against independent media editors: The Hon Mangala Saramweera, MP Minister of Posts, Telecommunications & the Media Level 18, West Tower Trade Centre Echelon Square Colombo 1 Sri Lanka By fax: 00 94 1 440488 19 […]
Call for fresh inquiry into journalists’ “disappearance”
(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release: 14 January 2000 – for immediate release CALL FOR FRESH INQUIRY INTO NIGERIAN JOURNALISTS’ ‘DISAPPEARANCE’ ARTICLE 19 today wrote to Chief Godwin Agabi, Attorney General of Nigeria to urge that the ‘disappearance’ of journalists Bagauda Kaltho and Chinedu Offoaro are part of new investigations […]
Media coverage of elections monitored
MEDIA MONITORING PROJECT MOZAMBIQUE ELECTIONS 1999 ARTICLE 19 / LIGA MOZAMBICANA DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS INTERIM CONCLUSIONS OF PROJECT I INTRODUCTION The elections of 3-4 December 1999 in Mozambique mark another crucial moment in the country’s emergence from civil war and in the democratic transition which began in November 1990, with the approval by the Assembly […]
Election reporting by public media less biased than in 1994. but party funding controversial
Following the announcement today of the electoral victory in Mozambique of incumbent President Joaquim Chissano and the ruling party FRELIMO, ARTICLE 19 and the Mozambique Human Rights League (LDH) have published a joint report commending the publicly-owned media in Mozambique for an overall improvement in the balance and impartiality of its coverage during the December […]