Articles by ARTICLE 19

Link to: ARTICLE 19 criticises authorities’ harassment of independent media

ARTICLE 19 criticises authorities’ harassment of independent media

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “WHAT PRICE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IN ZAMBIA?”, RIGHTS GROUP ASKS DONORS As the World Bank’s consultative group for Zambia prepares to meet tomorrow in Paris, the Zambian government has been criticized on its governance record. ARTICLE 19, The International Centre Against […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 shocked by court decision against newspapers

ARTICLE 19 shocked by court decision against newspapers

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – ARTICLE 19 is expressing its shock at learning that the Supreme Economic Court of Belarus on 13 May 1999 rejected requests for postponing the hearing of petitions from newspapers seeking to overturn official warnings issued to them for publishing material considered by the state to be seditious. The papers had requested the […]

Link to: Montenegro press fights to maintain independence

Montenegro press fights to maintain independence

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – ARTICLE 19 has condemned the Federal Yugoslav government’s use of military courts to try and to sentence Montenegrin journalists on criminal charges. It also appears that journalists from the independent media in Montenegro are being targeted by the authorities for call-up to the Yugoslav army. This has led to a number of […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 appeals for intervention in trial and persecution of  journalist

ARTICLE 19 appeals for intervention in trial and persecution of journalist

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 call for action: **Updates IFEX alerts of 12 May, 11 May, 5 May, 3 May, 30 April, 28 April, 20 April, 13 April and 17 February 1999** URGENT ACTION THE TRIAL AND PERSECUTION OF LANRE AROGUNDADE. The Chairman of the Lagos Council of The Nigeria Union […]

Link to: Renewed attacks against journalists

Renewed attacks against journalists

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 background briefing note on renewed attacks on human rights in Nigeria: **Updates IFEX alerts of 3 May, 30 April 1999, 28 April** With less than four weeks to go before the Nigerian Military Government fulfils its pledge to hand power over to a civilian government, human […]

Link to: Alarm raised over new attacks in Nigeria

Alarm raised over new attacks in Nigeria

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release: **New cases and update to IFEX alert of 28 April 1999** London, 30 April 1999 For immediate release ALARM RAISED OVER NEW ATTACKS IN NIGERIA Nigeria is about to be taken off the international danger list, yet on the ground repression continues, according to […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 declares support for its media monitoring team in Malawi

ARTICLE 19 declares support for its media monitoring team in Malawi

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is a 20 April 1999 ARTICLE 19 statement: ARTICLE 19 IN LONDON DECLARES ITS SUPPORT FOR ITS MEDIA MONITORING TEAM IN MALAWI Responding to a statement in today’s edition of the Malawian newspaper, Malawi Today, the London-based head office of ARTICLE 19, the International Centre Against Censorship, declared its total […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 issues report on Burmese censorship

ARTICLE 19 issues report on Burmese censorship

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is a 15 April 1999 ARTICLE 19 press release: BURMA – ACTS OF OPPRESSION Acts of Oppression is a timely report on Burmese censorship, published by ARTICLE 19 as the United Nations Commission on Human Rights takes its annual look at the situation in Burma and world outrage mounts at […]