Articles by ARTICLE 19

Link to: “Ozgur Ulke” edition seized

“Ozgur Ulke” edition seized

On 9 January 1995, an entire edition of the newspaper “Ozgur Ulke” was seized following official complaints about an article on the second page of the paper, even though this article was deleted by the editorial board before publication. In spite of this effort at compliance, the Prosecutor apparently ordered the seizure to be carried […]

Link to: Sentencing and detention of human rights lawyer under Anti-terror law

Sentencing and detention of human rights lawyer under Anti-terror law

In a 6 January 1995 letter to Turkish officials, ARTICLE 19 expressed profound concern over reports of the sentencing on 1 December 1994 of the human rights lawyer, Sedat Aslantas, and his subsequent arrest and detention on 5 December. His sentence, under Article 8 of Turkey’s Anti-Terror, violated his right to freedom of expression, as […]

Link to: BBC bans interviews with gay group

BBC bans interviews with gay group

Peter Tatchell, the gay rights activist, has protested to ARTICLE 19 that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has banned him and members of his organization, OutRage, from being interviewed live on BBC programmes. Tatchell wrote in a letter to ARTICLE 19 that the source of this information is a reporter from “Capital Gay” newspaper, Rob […]