Articles by ARTICLE 19

Kenza Drider, a French Muslim of North African descent, wearing a niqab, speaks on the phone after her release from a police station in Paris, 11 April 2011, REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes

European Court ruling on French “veil ban” a blow for freedom of expression

A decision by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights sacrifices the expression rights of a minority for the comfort of the majority, setting a worrying precedent for the rights of all people in Europe.

Internet users surf at a cyber cafe in Kuala Lumpur (7 August 2009), REUTERS/Bazuki Muhammad

A win for Internet freedom: UNHRC adopts resolution on Internet and Human Rights

The UN Human Rights Council resolution on Internet and Human Rights reaffirms that “the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online, in particular freedom of expression.”

A transgender person is seen during a rally to demand an investigation of homophobic crimes in San Salvador, 19 May 2012, REUTERS/Ulises Rodriguez

Statement to UN: End discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation

A joint statement delivered on 24 June to the UN Human Rights Council cites how violence and discrimination against people because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or intersex status, remains a systemic and global concern.

Journalists protest the imprisonment of Al Jazeera journalists Peter Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed in Egypt, outside Al Jazeera offices in Sanaa, Yemen on 25 June 2014. , REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah

Demand the release of recently sentenced Al Jazeera staff

More than 100 groups and individuals worldwide call on Egyptian President el-Sisi to remove the unjust sentencing of three Al Jazeera journalists.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay delivers an address at the 26th Council Session in Gevena, REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

Groups call on UN to protect free expression online

This week, a resolution on the importance of protecting human rights online was discussed at the 26th UN Human Rights Council Session in Geneva. Read the oral statement on this resolution led by ARTICLE 19 and supported by several IFEX members.

An overview of the site of the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, planned to be the world's third largest, in Para state, Brazil, 23 November 2013, REUTERS/Paulo Santos

World Environment Day: the importance of ensuring access to information, free expression

World Environment Day [5 June] provides an opportunity to shed light on the increasing importance of the right to environmental information and citizens’ right to participate in decision making processes.

Whistleblower Edward Snowden speaks via video conference to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe during an hearing on mass surveillance in Strasbourg, 8 April 2014. , REUTERS/Vincent Kessler

Don’t Spy On Us! Demand an end to mass surveillance

Sign a petition telling the U.K. government to stop the mass surveillance of our private communications.

A Latvian border guard works with the surveillance system in the border crossing point in Terehova, 3 May 2014, REUTERS/Ints Kalnins

Governments urged to preserve fundamental freedoms in the age of mass surveillance

Almost a year after the Snowden revelations, little to no progress has been made in ensuring that surveillance practices meet international legal standards. A new report by ARTICLE 19 and EFF shows that mass surveillance laws must be overhauled as a matter of urgency.