Articles by ARTICLE 19

#LeyTelecom: Why Mexicans have been taking to the streets

Outraged by a new communications law, Mexicans showed how much their rights mean to them.

A portion of an art piece by artist Bi Xin which was deemed unfit for display by members of China's cultural bureau, pictured in Shanghai, 6 September 2012, REUTERS/Stringer

Is it really a happy World Culture Day?

Since 2008, ARTICLE 19 has been actively monitoring violations of the right to freedom of artistic expression, and for many artists and culture workers this World Culture Day, celebrated on 21 May, is certainly not a happy one.

Link to: Bangladeshi rights activist Nur Khan escapes abduction

Bangladeshi rights activist Nur Khan escapes abduction

Bangladeshi activist Nur Khan has been a vocal voice against extrajudicial killing and enforced disappearances and has called for the removal of top officials for failing to ensure a fair and impartial investigation into the recent killings of seven people.

Link to: Journalist gets death threat while trying to photograph transportation official in Mexico

Journalist gets death threat while trying to photograph transportation official in Mexico

ARTICLE 19 has learned of death threats that were issued on 9 May 2014 towards Daniel Domínguez, a journalist who works for La Polaka, in Chihuahua. The threats were issued with the journalist tried to photograph the head of public transportation, who was holding a private meeting during working hours with the secretary of a transportation company.

An asylum seeker from Uganda covers his face with a paper bag in order to protect his identity as he marches with the LGBT Asylum Support Task Force during the Gay Pride Parade in Boston, Massachusetts, 8 June 2013, REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi

More than 170 groups worldwide demand protection of LGBT free expression

On 17 May, International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia, over 170 organisations call on states to protect LGBT freedom of expression and end violence against LGBT individuals and communities.

17 May is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, International IDAHO Committee

Make some noise to help defend the free expression rights of LGBT people!

Repressive legislation, intimidation and violence restrict the right to free expression of LGBT people and all those who speak out on LGBT issues. Join our Thunderclap for the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on 17 May.

Burundians protest in London agains the ongoing political violence and human rights violations in their home country, April 2014. , Gail-Orenstein/Demotix

Burundi: Dire need to increase protections for civic space

ARTICLE 19 is concerned that the government is increasingly becoming hostile towards the media, civil society and opposition political parties in Burundi, as the government seeks Constitutional change by a referendum that would allow the incumbent president to run for a third term in office.

A view of the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, 17 July 2012, REUTERS/Charles Platiau

International experts call for universal protection of freedom of expression

The four special rapporteurs on free expression to the UN, the African Union, the OSCE and the OAS call for states to ensure that all people in society can realise their right to freedom of expression without discrimination.