Articles by ARTICLE 19

A boatman makes his way through the polluted water of the river Buriganga in Dhaka, 11 November 2012, REUTERS/Andrew Biraj

Linking access to information to protection of the environment in Bangladesh

ARTICLE 19 outlines how local communities and activists are using the Right to Information Act to hold Bangladeshi authorities accountable for creating a safe and sustainable environment.

Link to: Cambodia’s secret Draft Cybercrime Law seeks to undermine free speech online

Cambodia’s secret Draft Cybercrime Law seeks to undermine free speech online

ARTICLE 19 is deeply concerned about Cambodia’s Draft Cybercrime Law, which falls well below international standards on the rights to freedom of expression, information and privacy. If passed in its current form, there is a serious risk that Cambodia’s currently free online space will backslide into the country’s deep-seated culture of secrecy and self-censorship. ARTICLE […]

Link to: Director of often-targeted Mexican paper is shot in the leg

Director of often-targeted Mexican paper is shot in the leg

ARTICLE 19 rejects statements made by the Sinaloa Attorney General saying that the attack on Noroeste director Adrián López Ortiz was being treated as a robbery and was not being linked to more than 50 other attacks the paper has endured over the last three years.

REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay

UN must reject mass surveillance to protect global privacy rights

In response to a consultation being undertaken by the UN on the right to privacy in the digital age, Privacy International in conjunction with six other groups called on the UN to recognise that mass surveillance is incompatible with human rights.

After Barack Obama urged NATO allies to up their defense budgets, demonstrators protest near the U.S. Embassy in Rome, 27 March 2014, REUTERS/Yara Nard

UN Rights Council members urged to reject proposed amendments to resolution on peaceful protest

ARTICLE 19 together with 15 other leading international human rights organisations has called on Member States of the UN Human Rights Council to reject amendments, proposed by South Africa and a group of “like minded States”, to weaken a resolution on promoting and protecting human rights in the context of peaceful protest.

Link to: Pakistan’s draft Computer Crimes Law endangers freedom of expression

Pakistan’s draft Computer Crimes Law endangers freedom of expression

ARTICLE 19 and Digital Rights Foundation Pakistan are concerned about the draft Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act of Pakistan 2014 (Draft Law) currently being prepared for presentation before the Pakistani Parliament. Although the Draft Law contains a number of welcome procedural safeguards, several provisions violate international standards on freedom of expression.

A boy collects drinking water for his family in a slum on the outskirts of Lahore, 21 March 2014. World Water Day will be marked on 22 March, REUTERS/Mohsin Raza

Principles on free expression and rights to water and sanitation launched on eve of World Water Day

On the eve of World Water Day, ARTICLE 19 launches “The Free Flow Principles: Freedom of Expression and Rights to Water and Sanitation”. The Principles, developed in cooperation with experts and activists from around the world, provide guidance to policy makers and activists on how freedom of expression and information can help secure the rights to water and sanitation.

Reporters shout as they march to demonstrate for press freedom in Yangon, 7 January 7, 2014, after a journalist was sentenced on defamation charges, REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun

What does the state of media freedom tell us about Burma’s “transition to democracy”?

Three years after Burma embarked on a path toward democracy and away from its history of military rule, assessments of its success vary, especially around media freedom and free expression.