Association of Caribbean Media Workers

Articles by Association of Caribbean Media Workers

Imprisoned Cambodian radio broadcaster Mam Sonando has been active in the human rights movement, CCHR

Call for release of Cambodian activist and broadcaster

As trial proceeds, over forty IFEX members urge the Cambodian government to drop charges facing detained rights defender and broadcaster Mam Sonando.

Release Bahraini human rights activists now, say international groups

A group of 46 human rights organisations led by IFEX calls on member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council to urge Bahrain to release human rights defenders and peaceful opposition activists.

One hundred organisations call to end assault on freedom of speech, and to free all detained human rights defenders and netizens

UPDATE: The president of IFEX member Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), Nabeel Rajab, was re-arrested and sentenced to three years in prison on 16 August. Many other human rights defenders remain in prison, including BCHR’s founder Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, and his daughter, Zainab Al-Khawaja.

Link to: On World Press Freedom Day ACM urges affiliates to promote reform of media-related laws

On World Press Freedom Day ACM urges affiliates to promote reform of media-related laws

“Though we have generally escaped the worst impacts of impunity, violence and official aggression, Caribbean social communicators and journalists have not eluded the potentially muting impacts of self-censorship, unenlightened regulation and challenging economic, social and political circumstances,” said ACM.

Link to: Forty-four IFEX members and partners call proposed cyber crimes law a setback to free speech

Forty-four IFEX members and partners call proposed cyber crimes law a setback to free speech

An open letter by 44 organisations calls Iraq’s proposed Information Technology Crimes law a threat to the fundamental freedoms necessary for the evolution of free speech and a vibrant press. The law will come to vote in the Iraqi Council of Representatives in April.

Link to: Police raid “Newsday” office in Trinidad

Police raid “Newsday” office in Trinidad

According to ACM’s information, a team of police officers raided the offices of the “Newsday” newspaper in search of what they described as unlawfully-acquired information which led to a newspaper report on high-level conflict within the country’s Integrity Commission.

Thirty-one IFEX members call on authorities to disclose whereabouts of journalist Dawit Isaak

After hearing rumours of the death of Dawit Isaak, an Swedish-Eritrean journalist held without charge for ten years, 31 members of IFEX are asking President Isaias Afewerki to confirm that he is still alive and if so, to release him from prison.

Link to: Seventy-seven civil society organisations call on UN to recognise importance of access to information and a free media to sustainable development

Seventy-seven civil society organisations call on UN to recognise importance of access to information and a free media to sustainable development

Prior to the UN summit of world leaders in Rio in June 2012 (Rio+20) to discuss the environment and sustainable development goals, 77 civil society organisations recommend the adoption of national laws on access to information, public participation and access to justice in the environment, a new UN convention on access to environmental information, and a UN Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).