Articles by Bahrain Center for Human Rights

Authorities question critical journalist and his family, confiscate books and other materials
(BCHR/IFEX) – The Bahrain Center for Human Rights has learned that Mr. Abbas Al-Murshid, 31, a journalist and writer, was recently held with his wife and their child for almost four hours at the King Fahad Causeway port. Al-Murshid was returning from a visit to Saudi Arabia when his passports were held by the Immigration […]

Authorities block links posted on BCHR Facebook page
(BCHR/IFEX) – The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) is alarmed by the widening scope of a censorship and internet blocking campaign, led by Mai Al-Khalifa, Minister of Information and member of the ruling family, targeting dissident voices about Bahrain. This campaign has extended to social networking sites such as Facebook, blocking any discussions the […]

Union members Rola Al-Saffar and Ibrahim Al-Demistani face defamation charges
(BCHR/IFEX) – The High Criminal Court, presided over by Sheikh Mohammed Al-Khalifa, a member of the ruling family, has said that it will come to a decision on 24 March 2009 regarding the case brought by officials from the Bahrain Ministry of Health against Rola Al-Saffar, the president of the Bahrain Nursing Association (BNA), and […]

Journalist Lamees Dhaif summoned to Public Prosecutor’s Office, faces charges under Penal Code
(BCHR/IFEX) – BCHR expresses its concern over the aggressive attitude of the local authorities towards journalists, writers and columnists, as many of them are prosecuted for exercising their professional right to report on issues of public interest. Lamees Dhaif, a well known columnist, journalist and reporter, was recently summoned to the Public Prosecutor’s Office on […]

Authorities deny application for public sit-in
(BCHR/IFEX) – The Bahraini authorities informed a group of individuals requesting permission to stage a public sit-in that their application was not approved and furthermore instructed them that it should be withdrawn, because it was submitted at such a late date. Four registered political groups (Alwefaq, Waad, Amal and Al-Ekha’e) had called for the sit-in […]

Special Forces prevent scholar Abdulhadi Al-Mokhouder from speaking at mosque
(BCHR/IFEX) – BCHR is concerned to learn that heavily armed members of the Special Forces (SF) were deployed on 13 February 2009 to besiege the Al-Sadeq mosque in Manama in order to prevent Mr. Abdulhadi Al-Mokhouder, a young scholar and reformist, from leading Friday evening prayers and delivering a speech to the public. The SF, […]

Human rights activist Abdulhadi Alkhawaja, banned from leaving country, faces up to ten-years’ imprisonment for delivering speech
(BCHR/IFEX) – The Bahrain Centre for Human Rights is very concerned after learning of a travel ban against its former president, Mr. Abdulhadi Alkhawaja, and the unjustifiable charges and unfair trial against him for delivering a speech highlighting human rights issues and expressing his opinion on the political situation in Bahrain. On 9 February 2009, […]

Activist Abduljalil Alsingace’s blog blocked by authorities
(BCHR/IFEX) – The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) confirms that the authorities have taken measures to effectively block local access to the electronic blog of Abduljalil Alsingace, ( ). This is the first blog, a personal homepage, to be blocked by an administrative ministerial order, as part of a censorship campaign initiated over […]