Articles by Bahrain Center for Human Rights

Security forces assault journalists covering repression of protest
(BCHR/IFEX) – According to the Bahraini Journalists Association (BJA) and eye witnesses, on 25 December 2007, the Bahraini Security Forces (BSF) harassed and verbally and physically assaulted journalists Ali Al-Shehabi (of “Al-Al-Ayam” newspaper), Husain Al-Orrayed (of “Al-Waqt” newspaper) and Mohammed Al-Mukharraq (of “Al-Wasat” newspaper). The BSF officers also confiscated the journalists’ mobile phones. The BSF […]

Postal union activist suspended from job over media statement
(BCHR/IFEX) – The Postal Directorate of the Ministry of Transport and the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) suspended union activist Jamal Ateeq from his job for five days without pay for expressing his views in the local media. Ateeq is the elected president of the “unauthorized” Postal Union (PU), one of the largest unions in Bahrain. […]

Authorities reinforce sweeping media ban, Internet censorship on controversial report
(BCHR/IFEX) – A statement by the Higher Criminal Court on 27 November 2007 affirmed the permanence of the decision to stop publishing news or press comments on the “Al-Bandar report”, although the prosecution of Salah Al-Bandar, the issuer of the report, was passed. The decision to extend the “publication ban order” was explained by the […]

Twenty-six IFEX members and others call on Bahraini government to stop clamping down on freedom of expression
(BCHR/IFEX) – The following is a joint action by 26 IFEX members and 21 other organisations: We, the undersigned human rights organizations, express our deep concern about the recent serious deterioration of freedom of expression in Bahrain. This includes violations of: – the right to post information about public issues on Internet sites, – the […]

Journalist and editor fined in defamation case
(BCHR/IFEX) – On 28 October 2007, the Supreme Criminal Court of Appeals convicted journalist Hesham Al-Zayani and the editor-in-chief of “Akhbar Al-Khaleej” newspaper of smear and defamation against the President of Arabian University, Dr. Rafia Ghabbash. They were fined a liability of BD 1000 (approx. US$2,650) in addition to court fees. The initial conviction was […]

Three writers for banned Internet site convicted of criminal defamation, fined
(BCHR/IFEX) – On 21 October 2007, the Higher Criminal Court convicted three Bahraini writers of insult and defamation, fined them 200 Bahraini Dinars (approx. US$530) and charged them 51 BD (approx. US$135) in damages, in addition to court fees. The writers were convicted of defaming the director of Dar Al-Manar Elderly Care Centre and her […]

Film banned
(BCHR/IFEX) – The Hollywood film “The Kingdom”, which explores the “war on terror” through a fictional story happening in Saudi Arabia, has been banned in Bahrain. This act was confirmed by the Publication and Press Directorate of the Ministry on Information without indicating the reasons behind the censorship order. The film depicts an FBI investigation […]

Women’s rights defender forbidden from appearing in media
(BCHR/IFEX) – BCHR has expressed its concern about the news revealed by Ms Ghada Jamsheer, a women’s rights activist and president of the Bahrain Women’s Petition, of the existence of a formal decision preventing her from appearing in any of the Bahraini media. Ms Jamsheer stated that the ban includes radio, television and all local […]