Belarusian Association of Journalists

Articles by Belarusian Association of Journalists

Link to: Prominent human rights defender Elena Tonkacheva to be expelled from Belarus

Prominent human rights defender Elena Tonkacheva to be expelled from Belarus

Elena Tonkacheva, a famous human rights defender and head of the Centre for Legal Transformation, Lawtrend, was informed that her residence permit in Belarus was annulled. The formal reason was several fines for exceeding speed limit.

"The Art of War" was among the books and leaflets deemed "extremist"  by the Minsk City Court in a case against anarchist activist Raman Khlalilau, Kainet/Flickr/

Detained over “extremist” literature, interrogated for reporting: Free speech violations in Belarus

A summary of free expression cases by The Belarusian Association of Journalists documents the period from 25 August – 21 September 2014. The cases include the arrest of an activist for owning “extremist” literature, and the detention of journalists covering a civil society initiative.

Link to: Belarus: Journalists harassed for having work published by foreign media

Belarus: Journalists harassed for having work published by foreign media

The Belarusian Association of Journalists declares it unlawful to prosecute reporters whose names and materials appear in foreign mass media. Pressure on these journalists bears clear characteristics of threat and blackmailing, and contradicts national legislative norms.

IRFS leader and human rights defender Emin Huseynov has been forced into hiding since August and is in need of urgent protection, Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety

Azerbaijan: UNESCO urged to help end government’s crackdown on free expression

Civil society groups call for an end to repression of IFEX member the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, and urge UNESCO to take action to ensure free expression in Azerbaijan.

REUTERS/Mike Hutchings

On Right to Know Day, calls for UN to include free expression rights in development goals

More than 100 civil society organisations ask the UN Secretary General to recognise the importance of free expression rights in the sustainable development goals.