Brazilian Association for Investigative Journalism

Articles by Brazilian Association for Investigative Journalism

Link to: Veteran journalist missing in Brazil

Veteran journalist missing in Brazil

Journalist and cameraman Anderson Leandro da Silva was last seen on 10 October 2012 in Curitaba, Parana state, when he left the offices of Quem TV, the station he owns, headed for Quatro Barras, in the Curitaba metropolitan area.

Link to: Former police colonel continues to threaten Brazilian reporter

Former police colonel continues to threaten Brazilian reporter

André Caramante, reporter from Folha de S.Paulo, one of the major Brazilian newspapers, has left the newsroom after being threatened by retired police colonel Paulo Adriano Lopes Lucinda Telhada and people linked to him.

Link to: Abraji urges investigation into killing of journalist in Maranhão

Abraji urges investigation into killing of journalist in Maranhão

Journalist Décio Sá had worked for the newspaper “O Estado do Maranhão”, owned by the family of José Sarney, president of the Federal Senate, and ran a blog about politics.

Link to: Journalists threatened in Belém and Altamira

Journalists threatened in Belém and Altamira

Lucio Flavio Pinto was threatened by a local businessman after writing about him in “Jornal Pessoal”.

Link to: Journalist threatened by politician’s brother

Journalist threatened by politician’s brother

Claudio Dantas, who worts for Revista Istoé, was researching a story on the sudden enrichment of the governor of Brasilia’s family.

Link to: Abraji mourns death of cameraman

Abraji mourns death of cameraman

Cameraman Gelson Domingos died after being shot in the chest while covering a police operation in the slum of Antares, Santa Cruz, on the west side of Rio de Janeiro.

Link to: Senate approves Freedom of Information Law

Senate approves Freedom of Information Law

The text of the law was modified at the Chamber of Deputies and has waited for the approval by the Senate since May 2010.

Link to: Journalist’s murder not work related

Journalist’s murder not work related

Police have confirmed that the murder of Auro Ida was a “crime of passion” organised by his girlfriend’s ex-husband.