Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Articles by Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Egypt: Reforming arbitrary pretrial detention requires political will over legal formalities

Rights groups warn that reducing pretrial detention is futile without ending repressive practices and ensuring judicial independence.

Libya: Research briefing on the use of security and religious discourse to justify repression

CIHRS documented several cases illustrating the extent of systematic repression used by authorities to stifle opposition.

Yemen: Houthis must immediately release civil society and UN staff members

“It is appalling to see that the Houthis are now accusing NGOs of spying instead of recognizing their role in protecting and helping citizens.”

Egypt: UN experts call on government to stop targeting and retaliating against human rights lawyers

Rights groups say the targeting of lawyers Mohamed Issa Rajeh and Mahmoud Abdelmajeed Adel represents intimidation and reprisal against their human rights work.

Egypt: 2,000 days of arbitrary detention for human rights defender Hoda Abdel-Moneim

Recycled charges and health deterioration prompt demands from rights groups for the human rights defender’s immediate release.

Egypt: Rights group urge the UN to take action on Alaa Abd el-Fattah

27 human rights organizations renew calls for the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) to take urgent action on behalf of the detained writer.

Algeria: New amendments to Penal Code will further entrench repression

As Algeria prepares for presidential elections this year, the amendments to the Penal Code are set to deepen repression.

Algeria: Detainees must be released and civic space opened

More than 200 people are currently detained for exercising their right to freedom of expression and other fundamental rights.