Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Articles by Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Egypt: Rights group and its director threatened and smeared

18 civil society organizations denounce reprisals against Sinai Foundation following reports on Gaza border activity.

Thirteen years after Mubarak ouster: Egypt grapples with unprecedented repression and economic instability

After a decade of al-Sisi’s brutal authoritarian rule protesters’ calls for “bread, freedom, and social justice” are further away than ever before.

Egypt: Alarming new law expands military power amid fears of popular unrest

The law further transforms the military into a police force to suppress potential public discontent.

Yemen: Seven organizations launch the Yemeni Coalition for Human Rights in partnership with CIHRS

New coalition seeks to advance human rights and empower Yemeni civil society.

Palestine: ICJ genocide hearing an opportunity to prevent further Israeli atrocities in Gaza

The hearing is a crucial opportunity to draw attention to Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people and to place these atrocities under international scrutiny.

Libya: Revoking restrictive decrees first step towards freedom of association

A court decision repeals threatening decrees, but challenges for civil society organisations persist.

Egypt: Authorities must stop targeting independent news website Mada Masr

The persistent targeting of Mada Masr and its staff is indicative of the Egyptian authorities’ systematic prosecution and detainment of journalists.

Egypt: Targeting of Al-Tantawy underscores illegitimacy of upcoming elections

Rights groups reaffirm the impossibility of holding genuine elections amid a repressive climate.