Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Articles by Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Link to: Rights activists brought to trial, others still held incommunicado

Rights activists brought to trial, others still held incommunicado

Nineteen rights organisations condemn the ongoing secret detention of Mazen Darwish and four of his colleagues from the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, after seven of their colleagues and one visitor began trial under the military penal code.

Fifty IFEX members and partners call for freedom for Bahraini human rights defenders, bloggers and activists

In advance of the Formula 1, 50 IFEX members and partners call for detained activists and human rights defenders to be freed, including blogger and activist Abduljalil Al-Singace and human rights activist Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, founder of IFEX member the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, who is ailing in prison since starting a hunger strike on 8 February.

Nabeel Rajab at Cairo International Airport, Nabeel Rajab/Twitter

Human rights defender Nabeel Rajab denied entry into Egypt

The human rights defender had entered Egypt in the last few months without any problems, leading CIHRS to believe that the denial of entry was politically motivated and in collaboration with the Bahraini authorities.

Link to: IFEX-TMG alarmed by ongoing attacks targeting demonstrators, media, performers and academics

IFEX-TMG alarmed by ongoing attacks targeting demonstrators, media, performers and academics

The IFEX-TMG is alarmed at attacks and prison sentences based on religious morality charges, as well as the use of force by police on demonstrators.

Link to: Forty-four IFEX members and partners call proposed cyber crimes law a setback to free speech

Forty-four IFEX members and partners call proposed cyber crimes law a setback to free speech

An open letter by 44 organisations calls Iraq’s proposed Information Technology Crimes law a threat to the fundamental freedoms necessary for the evolution of free speech and a vibrant press. The law will come to vote in the Iraqi Council of Representatives in April.

Link to: Russia urged to back UN action to stop bloodshed, grant access to journalists

Russia urged to back UN action to stop bloodshed, grant access to journalists

A coalition of 200 NGOs from 27 countries is demanding that the UN Security Council immediately unite and pass a resolution calling on the government to bring an immediate end to its indiscriminate shelling and attacks on peaceful protesters.

Link to: Authorities urged to reveal the fate of Mazen Darwish and SCM staff

Authorities urged to reveal the fate of Mazen Darwish and SCM staff

According to a trustworthy source within the country, Darwish has been subjected to torture and other ill-treatment during his interrogation and imprisonment in the same premises, and there are reasons to believe that his life is in danger.

Link to: Authorities urged to close case against foreign NGOs, hold ministers accountable

Authorities urged to close case against foreign NGOs, hold ministers accountable

CIHRS, ANHRI, EOHR, and other rights organisations applaud the Supreme Judicial Council for instigating an independent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the case, and recommend that the findings of the investigation be made public.