Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Articles by Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Link to: JOINT ACTION: ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS welcome agreement on final Outcome Document of Durban Review Conference

JOINT ACTION: ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS welcome agreement on final Outcome Document of Durban Review Conference

(ARTICLE 19/CIHRS/IFEX) – Geneva, 23 April 2009 – ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS Welcome Agreement on the Final Outcome Document of the Durban Review Conference Delegates to the Durban Review Conference in Geneva adopted a final Outcome Document on 21 April in a move welcomed by ARTICLE 19 and the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19, CIHRS concerned about member states’ withdrawal from Durban Review

ARTICLE 19, CIHRS concerned about member states’ withdrawal from Durban Review

ARTICLE 19 and the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) are extremely concerned by the recent decision of the United States, Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands to withdraw from the UN anti-racism conference

Link to: Three IFEX members and 14 other organisations urge UN member states to participate constructively in Durban Review Conference

Three IFEX members and 14 other organisations urge UN member states to participate constructively in Durban Review Conference

Three IFEX members and 14 other organisations strongly reaffirm the obligation of the State members of the United Nations to implement their international commitments at the Durban Review Conference

Link to: ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS condemn UN Human Rights Council adoption of resolution on “Defamation of Religions”

ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS condemn UN Human Rights Council adoption of resolution on “Defamation of Religions”

(ARTICLE 19/CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is a 27 March 2009 ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS joint statement: Human Rights Council: ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS Condemn Adoption of Resolution on Combating Defamation of Religions ARTICLE 19 and the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) condemn the adoption of a resolution on “combating defamation of religions” by […]

Link to: Sudanese government launches media campaign against CIHRS over controversial documentary on Darfur

Sudanese government launches media campaign against CIHRS over controversial documentary on Darfur

(CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is an abridged 25 February 2009 CIHRS press release: The Sudanese Embassy in Cairo is currently in the course of launching an extensive media campaign in Egyptian and Arab mass media in the wake of the release and distribution of the documentary “Darfur Destroyed” that was released on February 10, 2009. […]

Link to: Five IFEX members and other organisations condemn prison sentences for 38 demonstrators; call for an end to attacks on Kalima radio station

Five IFEX members and other organisations condemn prison sentences for 38 demonstrators; call for an end to attacks on Kalima radio station

(CIHRS//IFEX) – The following is an 8 February 2009 joint action by the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS), Arab Archives Institute (AAI), Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI), Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), Maharat Foundation and 17 other organizations: Without Accountability . . . The Tunisian Government Continues to Suppress Human […]

Link to: CAPSULE REPORT: Human rights violations continue as the world commemorates 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

CAPSULE REPORT: Human rights violations continue as the world commemorates 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is a 22 December 2008 CIHRS press release: How did Arab governments commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? It was hoped that on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Arab region would see steps showing a readiness to […]

Link to: In new report on human rights in the Arab world, CIHRS notes increase in repression of reformists, human rights defenders and the independent press

In new report on human rights in the Arab world, CIHRS notes increase in repression of reformists, human rights defenders and the independent press

(CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is an abridged version of a 5 December 2008 CIHRS press release: Release of New Report on the State of Human Rights in the Arab Region in 2008: From Exporting Terrorism to Exporting Repression The first Annual Report on human rights and the Arab region by the Cairo Institute for Human […]