Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Articles by Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Link to: Four IFEX members, other organisations call for release of three activists detained for speaking out

Four IFEX members, other organisations call for release of three activists detained for speaking out

(CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is a joint statement by CIHRS, ANHRI, BCHR, EOHR and other organisations: Human Rights Defenders Persecuted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Cairo 11 June 2008 – Arab rights organizations and civil society organizations, signatories to the present statement, call upon the Saudi authorities to put an end to their arbitrary […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS condemn passage of resolution that undermines free expression

ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS condemn passage of resolution that undermines free expression

(ARTICLE 19/CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is a joint statement by ARTICLE 19 and CIHRS: UN Human Rights Council Undermines Freedom of Expression ARTICLE 19 and the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) condemn the resolution passed on March 28 by a majority of the member states of the UNHRC which amends the mandate of […]

Link to: Human Rights Council must protect particular mandate of Special Rapporteur on Free Expression, say 19 IFEX members, 12 other organisations

Human Rights Council must protect particular mandate of Special Rapporteur on Free Expression, say 19 IFEX members, 12 other organisations

(ARTICLE 19/CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is a joint statement by 19 IFEX members and 12 other organisations: 31 civil society organisations call on the Human Rights Council to protect special mandate on Freedom of Expression Thirty-one civil society organisations from around the world, the majority from member states of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, […]

Link to: CIHRS condemns satellite broadcast regulatory principles adopted by Arab League

CIHRS condemns satellite broadcast regulatory principles adopted by Arab League

(CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is an 18 February 2008 CIHRS press release: Ailing Arab League Undermines Freedom of Expression CIHRS strongly condemns the document entitled “Principles regulating Radio and Satellite TV Transmission and Receiving in the Arab Region”, adopted by the Council of Arab Information Ministers. CIHRS confirms that the document, disguised by media professional […]

Link to: Two IFEX members request an end to the persecution of journalist Howeida Taha

Two IFEX members request an end to the persecution of journalist Howeida Taha

(CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is a 16 January 2007 joint action signed by CIHRS, EOHR and other organisations: Cairo,16 January 2007 – Human Rights Organizations request an end to harassment of media personnel and a suspension of the interrogation of Howeida Taha The prosecution released, the day before yesterday, the Egyptian journalist Howeida Taha on […]

Link to: Twenty-two IFEX members urge president to abolish imprisonment of journalists in publication cases

Twenty-two IFEX members urge president to abolish imprisonment of journalists in publication cases

(CIHRS/EOHR/HRinfo/IFEX) – The following is a joint action signed by 24 IFEX members and other organisations: We, the undersigned members and partners of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX), call on Egyptian President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak to enact his promise in 2004 to abolish imprisonment of journalists in publication cases, particularly with relation to […]

Link to: Human rights defender scheduled to participate in conference arrested and detained

Human rights defender scheduled to participate in conference arrested and detained

(CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is a 15 October 2006 joint statement by 30 human rights organisations, including CIHRS and EOHR: Cairo, 15 October 2006 Yemeni Authorities: Stop Arbitrary Practices Against Human Rights Defendants and Immediately Release Ali Al-Demely Statement from 30 NGOs in 11 Arab Countries The undersigned organizations expressed their great discontent about the […]

Link to: Electronic publication blocked as authorities escalate security campaign against reformers, human rights activists

Electronic publication blocked as authorities escalate security campaign against reformers, human rights activists

(CIHRS/IFEX) – The following is a CIHRS press release: Cairo, June 28, 2006 Syrian Authorities Escalate Security Campaign to Suppress Reformers and Human Rights Activists The Syrian authority has seriously escalated its security campaign, and continued to terrorize and suppress civil society reformers and human rights activists in total disregard of all human rights principles. […]