Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Articles by Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Activists denounce claims made by the Algerian UPR delegation to the UN regarding the state of the country’s human rights

Human rights defenders say the Algerian government continues to impose restrictions on free association and free expression amidst a rise in gender-based violence.

Egypt: Alaa Abd El Fattah’s life at serious risk amidst COP27 climate summit

The prominent activist has entered a full hunger strike in protest of his unjust detention as Egypt hosts the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Bahrain: Pope Francis should condemn Bahrain rights record during visit

The Pope should press authorities to commute death sentences and release all those unjustly imprisoned for exercising their right to freedom of association, peaceful assembly, and expression.

Egypt: Biden urged to secure human rights progress before meeting with President Al-Sisi on sidelines of COP27

Robust action on climate change, ultimately, can only succeed with the free participation of civil society, say rights groups.

Iran: Human rights groups call for Special UN Session amid protests

An independent mechanism with investigative, reporting and accountability functions is urgently needed to address the gross human rights violations committed during demonstrations.

Egypt: COP27 participants urged to recognize environmental and human rights of Sinai population

Rights groups condemn the Egyptian government’s decision to exclude Sinai residents from participating in the upcoming UN climate summit.

Libya: Government must repeal new media rules

Upcoming elections in Libya require that media institutions be protected from political tensions and from any threats of closure.

Iran: Rights groups stand in solidarity with Iranian women and protesters

IFEX joins civil society organisations in expressing support for Iranian protesters amidst a brutal crackdown and restricted Internet access.