Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Articles by Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Egypt: President must overturn unjust verdicts against opposition politicians

The sentencing of three prominent public opposition figures reflects the continuation of the Egyptian state’s policy of imprisoning peaceful dissidents for exercising their fundamental rights.

Algeria: ​​Authorities must end their assault on civic space and fundamental freedoms

Rights groups launch an online campaign to draw attention to how authorities have increasingly attempted to stifle dissenting voices and independent civil society.

Libya: A virulent campaign against freedom of expression and association

Authorities vying for control of the country appear to share the common objective of eliminating critical and independent voices, and establishing an environment of fear and intimidation, rights groups say.

Algeria: Spain forsakes international obligations in appalling refoulement of Algerian whistleblower

Rights groups condemn Spain’s deportation of Algerian activist Mohamed Benhalima who faces a high risk of torture, arbitrary detention and unfair trial in Algeria.

Libya: Terrorization of civil society on moral and religious grounds highlights impunity of radical armed groups

Recent attacks against freedom of speech and civil society work are taking place against the backdrop of a continued rollback of civic space.

Egypt: Hunger-striking prisoners of conscience must be released

Rights groups call on the Egyptian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release imprisoned activists protesting their pre-trial detentions.

Al-Sisi’s visit to Brussels: No red carpet for human rights violations

Rights groups renew calls on EU leaders to undertake a comprehensive review of its relations with Egypt given the country’s record of human rights violations.

Rights groups call on the European Union to withdraw its joint candidacy to chair the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum with Egypt

Continuing the joint bid would run counter to the EU’s stated objective to promote human rights in foreign policy and only contribute to Egypt’s longstanding efforts to whitewash its abhorrent human rights record.