Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Articles by Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS)

Egypt: Authorities must repeal the outrageous NGO law

Immediate international action is needed to protect Egypt’s independent human rights movement, said human rights groups after authorities threatened to dissolve Egyptian civil society organisations unregistered under the repressive law.

Egypt: Unjust verdict must not be ratified against activists Mohamed El-Baqer, Alaa Abdel Fattah, and Mohamed Ibrahim

Rights groups in Egypt urge President Sisi to refuse to ratify the unjust sentencing of the three activists, and reject the continued use of exceptional courts and bogus terrorism charges in retaliation against the state’s peaceful critics.

Eight years and counting: Rights groups call for imprisoned Egyptian activist Ahmed Douma’s freedom

Prominent political activist Ahmed Douma’s health condition has steadily deteriorated since his imprisonment eight years ago, and being placed in solitary confinement for more than six years, say rights groups.

Egypt: Security court sentences former MP and journalists

Human rights groups in Egypt condemn the unjust prison sentences journalists Hisham Fouad and Hossam Mounes, and former parliamentarian Zyad Elelaimy received after two years of pretrial detention.

Libya: Cybercrime law threatens to restrict free expression

A recently adopted anti-cybercrime law raises concern over its use by authorities to undermine online freedom of expression and curtail press freedoms.

Israel’s designation of six Palestinian human rights groups as “terrorist organizations” an internationally wrongful act

Human rights groups call on the international community to support Palestinian civil society and human rights defenders amidst escalating attacks on their work.

Egypt: Activists face fabricated charges in Emergency State Security court trial

Imprisoned activist Alaa Abdel Fattah, blogger Mohamed Ibrahim, and human rights lawyer Mohamed al-Baqer have been held in pretrial detention for over two years and face politically motivated charges.

The High Court building, in Cairo, Egypt, 25 August 2013, GIANLUIGI GUERCIA/AFP via Getty Images

Egypt’s Case 173: Decade-long prosecution of rights groups must end

Rights groups in Egypt call for an immediate end to the prosecution of civil society organizations under Case 173 of 2011, and the dismissal of politicized sentences against Egyptian human rights defenders in the country and abroad.