Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR)

Articles by Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR)

Link to: Filipino reporter survives slay attempt

Filipino reporter survives slay attempt

Filipino reporter Domingo Valdecantos Jr. survived two gunshot wounds in a slay attempt.

Link to: Mayor files libel complaint against blocktimer in the Philippines

Mayor files libel complaint against blocktimer in the Philippines

A second libel complaint was filed against a radio blocktimer in Pampanga, Philippines after a local mayor was angered by a discussion on graft and corruption in his city.

Members of the OAS participate in the OAS 42nd Assembly in June 2012, David Mercado/REUTERS

IFEX members concerned over undermining of OAS Special Rapporteur

Over 30 IFEX members express concern at a set of proposals put forth by the government of Ecuador and due to be discussed on 8 March in Ecuador that seek to reform the OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression.

Link to: Filipino correspondent attacked by police for alleged “bias”

Filipino correspondent attacked by police for alleged “bias”

Police officers mauled a correspondent-photojournalist covering the supposed raid by disaster victims of a government office in Davao City, Philippines.

Link to: Rights groups slam detention of Al Jazeera journalists in Malaysia

Rights groups slam detention of Al Jazeera journalists in Malaysia

Three Al Jazeera journalists reporting on an armed standoff near Lahad Datu, Sabah, in Malaysia were detained and interrogated by Malaysian authorities for at least six hours on 20 February 2013.

Link to: Autopsy rules out suicide of witness in Filipino journalist’s murder

Autopsy rules out suicide of witness in Filipino journalist’s murder

The autopsy of the body of a witness in the killing of Filipino journalist Gerardo Ortega concluded that there was foul play, ruling out the initial claim that he committed suicide.

Link to: Defending press freedom in Philippines ongoing challenge for dominant press

Defending press freedom in Philippines ongoing challenge for dominant press

The major challenge to the Filipino dominant media is the same today as it was under the dictatorship: defending free expression despite an ownership system that creates a conflict between the private interests of the media and the public interest of providing citizens with the information they need.

Link to: FOI bill falters in Philippines as midterm elections approach

FOI bill falters in Philippines as midterm elections approach

The right to information and freedom of expression should be in the agenda of press and public discourse in the 2013 elections, and should help transform an otherwise ho-hum election into a national discourse that’s more meaningful, says CMFR.