Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR)

Articles by Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR)

"Cybercriminals" pose for mugshots during the Black Tuesday 2.0 demonstrations in front of the Supreme Court on 9 October 2012, Irish Flores, Philippine Internet Freedom Alliance

Philippines suspends implementation of cybercrime law

In response to various petitions questioning the constitutionality of provisions of the Cybercrime Prevention Act, the Supreme Court of the Philippines restrained government agencies and officials from implementing the Act for 120 days.

Link to: Supreme Court petition filed against Philippines Cybercrime Prevention Act

Supreme Court petition filed against Philippines Cybercrime Prevention Act

Twenty media organisations and more than 250 individuals, comprised mostly of journalists and media practitioners, filed a petition with the Supreme Court against the Cybercrime Prevention Act, assailing some of its provisions as unconstitutional.

Link to: Armed men threaten broadcaster, family in Philippines

Armed men threaten broadcaster, family in Philippines

Even though station manager Ramil Marianito does not know who may have ordered an attack on him and a colleague, he told the Philippines-based group CMFR that he had been receiving death threats.


Lessons learned 40 years after the declaration of Martial Law in the Philippines

What were the lessons learned by the Philippine press as a result of Martial Law, or did it learn anything at all? That is the question considered by the Filipino group CMFR in this special report.

This tame collage cartoon about Indian politicians discussing the railway, led to the arrest of two men after it was sent to an e-mail list, CRNI

Indian authorities urged to drop charges against two men for circulating cartoon

Over 30 human rights groups worldwide have appealed for charges to be dropped against two men charged with several offences after circulating a harmless cartoon on an internal mailing list.

Link to: Philippines passes first law since 2000 affecting cyberspace communication

Philippines passes first law since 2000 affecting cyberspace communication

The successful passage of bills affecting the media suggests how restrictive rather than expansive is the mindset of Filipino legislators, says CMFR.

Link to: Eleven years post 9/11, free expression still restricted

Eleven years post 9/11, free expression still restricted

In many countries, restrictions on free expression remain in place, and are among the lasting legacies of the fears generated by the 9/11 attacks.